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anonymous229275 Asked April 2015

My Mom in a nursing home thinks her reflection is someone else. Anyone else encountered this?

Mother has late stage dementia and doesn't understand very much.

mommyinpa Apr 2015
My mother did this for a short time also. She was actually showing the "lady in the mirror" a magazine and carrying on a full conversation, chuckling and all : ) This only lasted for about a week or so and now she pays no attention to the mirrors at all.

anonymous229275 Apr 2015
thanks all i really hope they stay friends, it's the happiest ive seen her for a while!


Angelkw Apr 2015
My friend's mom has just completed this stage. She is in the last stage of alzheimer's. She would talk with the people in any reflection because she didn't realize the old woman was herself. In her mind at this point she was about 16 (based on what she remembered). He allowed her to have her chats as they seemed to make her happy. Eventually the person in the mirror terrified her and my friend was forced to cover all reflective surfaces in the house. She lost her speech shortly before this happened so the "conversations" where just babble. I understand that this is a very common part of the disease.


cwillie Apr 2015
LOL! Well at least she won't be lonely...

Veronica91 Apr 2015
Sadly you have the right idea does her new friend have a name?
I have encountered this a lot with horses. They can get very upset seeing themselves for the first time. Cats and dogs can go into the attack mode or run and hide. My kitty is of the run and hide variety, intruders of any type scare her.

anonymous229275 Apr 2015
actually she seems quite taken by her new friend. i just wondered if others had similar experience. it is a little offputting watching her talk to her reflection though. but as long as shes happy i just go along with it and also talk to her friend!

cwillie Apr 2015
I think it is quite common. Remember that often they are living in the past and think they are still their younger selves, it's no wonder they don't know that old woman in the mirror! Lots of folks seem to be frightened of that stranger they perceive to be invading their space, so you may need to remove or cover/obscure mirrors from her room and the bathroom.

xxxxxxxx Apr 2015
This is apparently common with the latter stages. Can you cover the mirrors?


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