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DaveIFM Asked May 2015

Any recommendations needed to bed or chair sensor pad?

I must monitor my ADW getting up from bed, She must not walk without assistance. Trying to find just the pad. I have alarms that can connect to switch in pad connection. A chair pad size would probably work since she sleeps and sits on LR sofa during day.

jtf123 May 2015
I have the 'smart' brand bed and chair alarms - I also use a baby monitor, my husband is a huge fall risk and has a feeding tube so there are times when I need to go to another room to get things for him, with the monitor & chair alarm I can hear if he is getting up.

louiam May 2015
Does anyone know the number for state we are in virginia


Miette May 2015
If you use bed/chair sensor pads, be sure you use "skid guard" or the rubbery stuff you put under rugs to keep them from sliding. The sensor pads can be slippery and your loved one can slide off of the bed just sitting on the pad. They are an effective warning system.

igor1968 May 2015
I woked in a NH for many a year and did the ordering of supples. There are so many body alarms and bed and chair pads out there that the best thing would be to go to pharmacy and talk with someone and they should be able to help you out. The other thimg is to get on the internet and see what is on there. You need to find the one that will do the best for you

JoAnn29 May 2015
I had posted before that there is a rail used primarily for helping u pull yourself up in bed. Got Mom one when she hurt her back. Its only about 18in wide. Keeps Mom from falling out of bed but easy for her to get out.

For the sensor, call a local NH and ask what use. We have a medical supply store too that r very helpful.

DaveIFM May 2015
"If there is a coffee table in front of the sofa, remove it so she does not hit the table edge in a fall. "
Happened {{grrrr}}
You have motivated me to re-arrange furniture again since we just received a hospital bed { which replaces sofa for her sleeping}
I am Observing the warnings about bed-rails as dangerous restraints,
Ordered a bed sensor pad to warn me if she sits up and moves to get up and out. She moves down the mattress and tries to slide out where the bed-rails end,
I am concerned that if I get fall pad to put along side she will trip on it.
I think she spots me sleeping and that is when she tries to travel.

pamstegma May 2015
Chair pads and floor pads only alert you to respond to a fall. Be sure the fall zone is soft and padded. If there is a coffee table in front of the sofa, remove it so she does not hit the table edge in a fall.


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