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megan89 Asked May 2015

Will Medicare pay me to be his caregiver?

My father-in-law in completely disabled and is going to need someone with him at all times. He has CFH, pulmonary edema, diabetic and kidney failure, I'm currently attending school for nursing and I am first aid and cpr certified, would medicare pay me to be his caregiver instead of his wife having to quit her job? He also receives disability.

jeannegibbs May 2015
Megan I agree with Pam about not jeopardizing your own future. Only consider this if it can work in with your goals. Are you nearly done school?

Even if his wife can get FMLA leave, that does not pay for groceries or make the mortgage payment. It just assures her that she can have her job back, unless she has to keep caregiving too long. I understand why she might need to/want to work. You helping out might make a great solution, if you can get paid for it and you are not sacrificing your schooling.

First, help them figure out how to get on Mediciad and explore what other options might be available.

pamstegma May 2015
Megan, do not stop your schooling for this, PLEASE. His wife should be able to get a FMLA leave to care for him. The other option is a care home or nursing home for him or possibly Hospice care. He would not want you to jeopardize your future.


jeannegibbs May 2015
Medicare does not pay for caregiving.

Medicaid covers in-home care and also care centers when that is necessary. Medicaid is supposedly for the indigent but it doesn't take long for most middle class family to reach that point with a chronic condition. Would this couple qualify for Medicaid? Is FIL on disability? If so, he is automatically qualified in most states. Is he eligible for VA benefits?

Perhaps you can help them explore the benefits FIL might qualify for. First they have to figure out how to pay Somebody, and then they can figure out if that somebody can be you.


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