Maybe they don't like me and hope I quit? This situation puts me under lots of stress. I like this job and the client. The family lives out of state from the client. They furnish me with a car, a good salary and started out very friendly to me. They are all professional people so I can't understand their actions. I believe they are waiting for an excuse to move mother out of her home and back with them where they can control her life. She is nowhere near ready for AL just has memory issues.
2 Answers
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Are these financial issues the "problems" of which you write in this post?
Do you communicate the issues with all of the family, or just one? Have any of them responded to the "problem" issues in the past?
It makes a big difference in perspective as to whether or not they view a problem in the same manner as you do, especially since they're not close physically.
Are these problems which you can address yourself, and if not, have you discussed assuming this authority, or hiring someone to handle it if it's work that can be contracted out?
I'm not sure your last 2 statements are accurate; it seems to me they're just suppositions. You wrote that these are professional people; if they wanted to move her back with them they would do so. Most professional people I know are action oriented - they accomplish things - they have to.
More about the "problems" would help others offer better advice than I have.