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madrosa210 Asked June 2015

Do senior care advisers work on commission?

I recently contacted a couple of places to inquire about independent senior living. They both contacted me right away. I only spoke to one. The other place kept calling me every two hours between 8am to 9pm for 2 full days. Do they work on commission or is there a quota they have to meet?

Rocknrobin Jun 2015
I did the marketing for an assisted living for 7 years. There is a commission for this, but the main thing is filling the apartments and remaining at capacity. Our management company had high expectations but I never called someone every two hours for 2 full days. This will differ with each community.

CarlaCB Jun 2015
Well, they may not work on commission, but I'm sure they're compensated in some way for filling spots in the community. Maybe commission, maybe bonus or promotion, who knows? It's like any other business selling an expensive product. They work hard to make sure you go with them and not a competitor.



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