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Skip2015 Asked June 2015

We seek devices to lift and open heavy double hung windows in our home. Any products or ideas?

Our double hung windows are very heavy in our condo building. We do not now have the strength to lift open them. Suggestions? Products?

freqflyer Jun 2015
Skip, how old are the windows in your condo? If the windows are older, like over 25 years old, it might be time to replace the windows as the sliders the windows move up and down on could have sprung... you would see if there are still sliders available, but chances are not.

But first check with the Condo Board to see what they recommend... if this is an current problem with other residents, the condo might need to replace all the windows in the building.... and see if it is the condo board's responsibility to pay for the replacement or your responsibility.

Recently I replaced all the windows in my home, and what a huge difference. Now I can open a window with just one hand :)

GardenArtist Jun 2015
If you can afford it, change out the windows to sliding windows. You'll just have to push them sideways but not use force to push upwards as with the double hung windows.

If it's too expensive to replace all, replace the ones in the rooms you use the most.

Casement windows are another option as they just be opened by turning the handle.

I did a quick check for assistive devices and only found a few sites, so if you go that route it might take a bit of time to search through devices online.

Another option is to post the same question on a DIY forum; perhaps a builder more familiar with assistive devices might respond. I'm just guessing, but there may be some method of adding an electrical opener, somewhat similar in concept to the electric stair lifts.

Lastly, you could research companies in your area that retrofit with assistive devices. Occasionally the DIY Holmes show will do a retrofit for these issues; This Old House also did one. You could check their websites.

It's too bad the Scripps DIY forum was closed last year; there was a fellow there who lives in your area with extensive background on these issues. Not only was he a DIY'er but he also worked in hospitals and has an extensive background in retrofitting. If I had his e-mail address, I'd contact him for you.

The only thing I can think of is to make a device that's some kind of pusher, insert it under the top stile, and push up, but it still requires strength. You just wouldn't have to push in the same way.

You could also explore the idea of using a small jack. if you could raise the window enough to insert a small jack, then you could crank it up. The motion would be circular rather than vertical.

But in a quick search I learned there actually are window jacks! Try here:

You might also check the homeowner's restrictions just to make sure that double hung windows aren't mandated for conformity, or if you do find solutions, make sure the HOA won't create an issue with any modifications you might make.

Good luck; I think the double hung windows are impractical in some ways, and having to lift them upwards is one.



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