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palmtrees1 Asked June 2015

Has anyone had this happen, EVER? My Mother passed on June 2. My husband, daughter and I did not make it in time to say final goodbyes.

She knew we were coming. But passed the day before we arrived. My daughter, husband and I stayed in her home while visiting and making arrangements. My daughter slept in mom's bedroom where she died. One night my daughter was in bed with only the light of a night light glowing in the kitchen in front of her door. She said she was not asleep. Then she sees a woman standing near her door. Just the dark outline of her and her hair which was like mom's. When she cried out the woman turns and went into the living room. My daughter got up and checked but no one was there. She came to my room terrified. My daughter is 29, is an ICU nurse and not prone to believing in ghosts. We are mystified at this. It could be a nightmare but seems to not be.

Previous to this, I spent a month with mom and the bumping and knocking was so bad in her house, I teased that daddy was checking on her. It was creepy.

A strange mystery.

ladyluck22 Aug 2015
I think it may have been better for your daughter NOT to have slept in the same room and/or bed where your Mom passed on. (at least until the whole room was "cleansed
with white light and maybe til some time had passed). Many people who pass on don't realize that they've passed on and they continue to go to familiar places, such as their homes. She could have been just saying goodbye...but if it didn't feel so positive then maybe she was somewhat caught in a zone of mild confusion. You can always call in white light/God or angels and then tell her that she passed on and it's OK. She can go with the light herself and will then be able to grow properly and regroup her own life...

Patricia317 Aug 2015
I hve had this happen to me several yimes in my life. The first time was when an aunt living quite distnt from me passed. I was sitting ner n open window when suddenly a breeze came in that window. There was seldom any breeze coming in that window. It came to my mind, "Aunt Edith just died". At this time long dustance calls were difficult and expensive to mske. In the morning my Uncle clled to say that Aunt Edith had died the night before at exactly the time I had felt the breeze.
Friends have shared similar experiences that you mentioned, to me. I truly believe that they do come back to check on their loved ones, make a connection with the home that they lived in and loved. To me it seems that it is a final checkout of everything that was important to them and that they loved.
My gra dmother would not pass until she was sure that I had a job.
My mother passed only when she felt that she could safely leave DH and I. We decided to pull the plug, having worked in the medical field, we knew it was time. But she hung on unti we both could talk her into the fct that we would bo OK.
And finally, when I was nine years old I went through several weeks in hell, feeling that I had killed my Grandfather. He came to me one night, be it a dream or real, he told me that itvwas all Ok, he was happy where he was and he wanted me to know that I had nothing to do with his death!


Detuchka Aug 2015
Pray for her soul! The Eastern Orthodox Christians have prayers for the loved ones' soul at church for three, nine, 40 days, and one year after the person has passed. It's good to pray for the soul of your deceased loved one!

anonymous281963 Aug 2015
Gospelgirl, how are you holding up, really? This is a very difficult time for you, so sorry, again, for your loss. We are still listening.

anonymous281963 Aug 2015
Oh dear. Did not make myself clear, gospelgirl. Whether you were answering the original poster or my comments above, the fact remains it was creepy for me (there were no spirits) 1) as an adult who never slept with mother. 2) sleeping in a bed in the same place where a stranger to me had died was unhygeinic at the very least , and 3) the 'visitors' were his living brothers, not ghosts. That was a whole lot different than your situation as you have described it.
I was unaware that the OP was looking for mystical or ghost story answers. Sorry.

Oregongirl Aug 2015
Never had a problem sleeping where someone had died. When my husband died, my daughter talked me into going to her house. The next morning I said goodbye and went back home where he passed. Same now with my partner. I want no one around now and I sleep in the bed. I slept in his hospital bed with him every night I could. If he were comfortable, which he loved.

Oregongirl Aug 2015
Sounds like you should have gone around the house praying to have those spirits leave. Unless you felt that they were good spirits. Sorry that happened to you. The first night my partner said there were three people standing or sitting there. He said they were bad people. You would have committed me if you saw what I did. I walked over to where he said they were, and I told them to GET OUT and GET OUT NOW in the Name of Jesus. I opened the front door and slammed it so he could hear that I threw them out When I got back to his bed, he looked at me and said WOW, "You are tough". They never came back.

anonymous281963 Aug 2015
The only thing similar that happened to your daughter that also happened to me, was when my mother's second husband died of lung cancer, visitors came and at bedtime the only place left for me to sleep was a surprise. Skipping my own rule that while visiting relatives I would always stay in a hotel, I felt bad for my mother who asked me not to leave her, so, she was in bed where her husband had died that morning. Asking where was I going to sleep?. Right here? Where he slept? Did you change the sheets? She answered, no, but I changed the pillowcase.
For me, personally, sleeping right where someone had died was something I will never do. Maybe sleeping in your Mom's bedroom also bothered your daughter., something others don't consider.

sophe509 Aug 2015
When my much loved Uncle passed away, I felt his touch, that he was going. He died of a heart attack; it was unexpected but I knew he had passed before I got home from school. I have sensed several people (and animals) in my life after they passed, whether real or not I don't know. Sure seemed real at the time. All were a caring presence.

sandwich42plus Jul 2015
I think people are entitled to believe or think what comforts them.

I don't believe in a here-after or supernatural things, or that anyone is driving from the great beyond. What I have experienced is my mind's way of processing information and feelings. We can have memories that trigger a sense. Sometimes I can smell the starch in my dad's shirts even though he's been gone nearly 30 years. I could hear the change in his pocket rustle like it did when he walked down the hall. To me, these are just sense memories but I don't believe he's there in any way. These memories are so ingrained that my brain can call them up all these years later. Sometimes these sense memories come to me in dreams.

lgwilt Jun 2015
I wasn't there for either of my parents passing. I got the call at 6pm one day and she passed at 3am the following morning, I was on a 7am flight. My father passed a few days after I left to come back to my home after Xmas. For a while there I was always smelling a perfume that I wore when I was younger and my mom loved. I realized it was her. My father, I'm not so sure about visiting which is odd because we were much closer. I think I'm still grieving and dealing with estate and the sale of the home to really notice.

My husband and I live in a house that has "energetic beings" of some sort so I'm familiar with them. A few years ago, the "entities" were doing some odd things like messing with my covers and funny stuff with lights. The next morning I got the news that my close friend had lost his battle with cancer, I think that was him paying me a visit. He was well aware of our ghosts....

Sorry for you loss. Big hugs...

Sherridene Jun 2015
Sounds like your mom was just letting you know she was alright. My father passed and I did not get a chance to say goodbye. Several weeks later I was sitting in his favorite rocking chair and smelled a strong aftershave smell. I believe it was just Dads way of letting me know he was ok.

vstefans Jun 2015
I did not get back in time to see my dad one last time, but I knew he had good care and we had said all the important stuff...still I wish I could have been there. I did get to be there for my mom. It's hard. Actually, its been harder for me with my mom because of the unresolved issues even though I got to be there. She only haunts my dreams more than my dad though :-) Being Catholic, we pray for the "poor souls" who we believe are in Purgatory, on their way to Heaven, and don't believe they are left on Earth to be ghosts...I suppose that makes it a little easier!

palmtrees1 Jun 2015
Thank you all. I am not a person who believes in ghosts but if we believe in an after life, I would guess ghosts could exist. And my mother and I had unresolved issues. She had a month before she died to resolve these and did not, so maybe that was the issue.

GardenArtist Jun 2015
I personally don't think that these kinds of events can be explained, scientifically or rationally. Nor do I think they need to be.

If they're interpreted as contact or reassurance from a loved one, or self assurance, and if they make the surviving relative feel comforted, that's all that matters in my book.

On several occasions after my sister died, I would suddenly smell her perfume. I never wear perfume, so it wasn't from me. The perfume bottle was nowhere near me when it happened, nor was it in area where a draft could carry it close to me.

After my mother died, I kept hearing the phone ring either in the middle of the night, or early morning when I was still asleep. I could hear her voice as I answered the phone, apparently in my imagination. I fully expected to see her phone number (which my father still has), I checked caller ID but there were no calls.

I think there can be unspoken and unresolved issues after someone dies, and sometimes these events speak to those lingering concerns. And sometimes the events may be our way of comforting ourselves about the loss of our loved ones.

I also know that intense situations such as the loss of a loved one heighten our awareness and senses, and sometimes that can cause us to believe that something is happening that really isn't.

This is an interesting question; I'm glad to be able to read about other's experiences.

Gershun Jun 2015
I've never experienced something like this personally. But my Mom told me shortly after my Father died she was praying and she felt someone grasp her hand. She believes it was my Dad.

My Mom recently died and I would love a sign from her but I also like to believe that she is happy in heaven now and that her spirit is there.

golden23 Jun 2015
A few months after my father died, my mother woke up in the middle of the night and saw him standing by her bed. She said he looked like he did in his prime. There was nothing scary about it. She told him she loved him and he faded away. I don't find these things scary. After my youngest son died I had so many signs from him and so did his dad. I think they are not that far away but usually we cannot see them. I never saw my dad or my son but have had a strong feeling of their presence as well as signs that they are close.

freqflyer Jun 2015
My mother's parents house has a resident ghost... the house is around 200 years old and one of the previous owners had passed away in the house back in the late 1800's. The ghost is harmless, she just likes to move small items, and will stop it when asked politely. I believe in ghosts [saw one decades ago, it was a white mist] but am mystified on how a ghost can move things.

Chicago1954 Jun 2015
The only times I hear of it, is if something violent happened in the home.

Mincemeat Jun 2015
My mother told me a similar story when her cousin was killed in WWII. Each one of us have our own sense of the supernatural and an afterlife. I for one believe that some of us are more tuned into that type of occurance than others. Are spirits on earth in Purgatory? Was that a story made up by nuns to scare us into submission? :) Maybe your daughter should take it as a positive message from Gma that all is well and that that WAS a way of saying goodbye.
But...these old walls in old houses do creep us all out on occasion. Sorry about her passing.

brandywine1949 Jun 2015
No, I have not had this happen to me.


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