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Susan59 Asked June 2015

Is there a device that helps a hearing-impaired caregiver during the night?

When my father-in-law takes out his hearing aides at night he cannot hear my mother-in-law if she needs help. I was thinking that surely there is a device or light that could wake him up if she needs help. This would also be helpful if she would be in another part of the house and needs help and is not with in earshot of him?

JLCampos Jun 2015
We have both a little dog and a loud whilstle!

michele77 Jun 2015
We got an intercom system from Radio Shack - works great and is 2 way. just press button and talk. Under a hundred dollars.


nowmymomsmom Jun 2015
baby monitor or walkie talkie type device turned up loud.....they have long range so can go for walks well

Oregongirl Jun 2015
I did a lot of searching on this. I have to tell you, K-mart, Wallmart also have baby monitors. The only reason I did not already get my Partner Monitor is because of not knowing if it would work. Yes Save Receipt. Of course. I will do it today. We have to order everything on line due to the area where we live. "Middle of Nowhere".

naricinfo Jun 2015
I would recommend giving the folks at AbleData. They manage a large database of assistive technology products and manufacturers. A quick search of their website showed many options for safety and security products for people with hearing loss.

esjoholm1 Jun 2015
My husband and I had this issue as well, not because we had hearing loss...but because we were in different areas of the house. What we ended up doing when we weren't in sight of her, we ended up getting a baby monitor. We had 2 sets so if I didn't hear her, my husband did. It worked wonderfully well...we set the monitor on the loudest setting in her room, closest to where she was at that particular time, and then we both carried our receiver's on our pants pockets or what have you. At night, we would set the monitor on our nightstand and I can't tell you how many times it helped us (her). We ended up calling it the mommy monitor...And this was way cheaper and doable for someone on a fixed income. If you do go this route...and decide it's not right for you, save the receipt and you can always return it. We chose a fairly expensive unit, as opposed to the ones that were 29.99. Very happy with the outcome. Hope this helps...good luck and God bless!!

cwillie Jun 2015
I googled alert systems for the hearing impaired and I found this link, there are probably others.


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