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Workinglady1940 Asked June 2015

How I do I handle when my husband starts to roam?

Is there tracking devices to help with this new stage for me. Thank you

Rev2elt Jun 2015
Product is Great Call 5 Star. Typed wrong

Rev2elt Jun 2015
Look into great all 5star. I use it as a safety device since I live alone. I know it can track me, but do research it to see if it is available where you live. Has AARP endorsement


MaggieMarshall Jun 2015
Here: amberalertgps/?gclid=CjwKEAjw5J6sBRDp3ty_17KZyWsSJABgp-Oawa13H3ugqgQ7fs5DKaCgeYGz74KT1X-6Rqh5ONJXLRoCh-Pw_wcB

This is a child locator with voice. Accurate within 5 feet. Works with an app for a smartphone. $18/month.

MaggieMarshall Jun 2015
How about him wearing something that triggers an alarm when he opens house doors to go outside? Or in the summer, triggering an alarm when either the front door or the gate in the backyard is opened? I wonder if ADT has something like that.

Workinglady1940 Jun 2015
Thank you for the information. I will check with the fire dept .and it was suggested I checked safereturn website, which I did they have the bracelets etc with just name on it. etc. I already have that if he keeps it on:) When I am working my son and his wife live right next door, so they watch and care for him, so I am blessed for that help. It is so upsetting when all of a sudden, just like a kid, he is out of sight. Had to call the sheriff, one time, and he luckily was in our pole barn, sitting in one of his cars and fell asleep. whew:) Do you have a spouse going through this too? TTYLR Thank you once again, enjoy your day. Carol

GardenArtist Jun 2015
Some of the medical alerts claim to have GPS tracking, but when we arranged to get a medical alert pendant for my father, the company I chose told me that at that time the GPS devices weren't that accurate. This was in contrast to other companies that fudged on the issue and back pedaled when I asked them specifically about the accuracy of GPS tracking. This was also about 1.5 years ago. GPS accuracy may have changed since then.

What I haven't yet seen is something a bit more reprehensible, and it's related to the technology used in ankle bracelets for parolees. I believe that kind of tracking is more specific. However, I'm not aware that it's been adapted for elder use.

Your local Area Agency on Aging might have more current information.

There are also some more high tech devices that can link to a Smartphone and provide more accurate tracking, but I suspect that they're more expensive as well. I'm not sure as well whether they would require your husband's participation in sending data.

I'll check with the person who told me about this and update you when I get more information.

In the meantime, someone posted here sometime ago that they were able to get a device through the local fire department. It's something to check out.

If you want to do some research, google "wander management systems." There might be more advances that I'm unaware of.

Is there anyone staying with or caring for your husband while you're at work?


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