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daisychains Asked July 2015

Anyone have an idea how to keep track of clothes in homes when they go missing?

has anyone had an idea how to keep track on clothes in homes when they go missing? They have been labelled on the back of necks bottom of shirts bottom of trousers tops of trousers any other ideas peeps x

daisychains Jul 2015
thanks for your comments I will replace the clothes but it is annoying when it happens on a regular basis I have spoken to the ward nurse and she is looking into it if I do find a way I will let you all know thanks again keep smiling xx

Chicago1954 Jul 2015
I think that some clothes get tossed, because of accidents in them. We supply mother with numerous blouses and pants, from a re-sale shop. Yes, they disappear, but not so often that we can't replace them.


GardenArtist Jul 2015
Well, to look at the other side of the situation (and not to gross anyone out), but when I did my father's laundry once during his last rehab stint, I found someone else's jockeys in with Dad's laundry! Yuck!!!

Sunnygirl1 Jul 2015
Oh, let me add that I try not to get too bothered by it. I have never heard of a facility that didn't have this problem.

Sunnygirl1 Jul 2015
They are some good tips GardenArtist. I have the same problem with my loved one's garments. They keep disappearing. The staff handles her laundry on site, but I ensure that every item is clearly labeled with her full name. I write in the collar and on the tag. I'm not sure how her things go missing.

I have decided that I am going to photograph each new item I take her and assign it a number. I have quite a few new outfits that I'm taking to her on Saturday and we'll see if this makes any difference. I'm also going to inform the Assist Director what I'm doing so she can pass the word on that we need to keep tract of her clothes better.

GardenArtist Jul 2015
Well, you've already labelled them and that should have solved the problem, but apparently the clothes are still getting lost.

Is there a sign that reads "FAMILY DOES LAUNDRY" in an obvious place so the aides and staff can see it? If not, that's a starter.

Is there a bag for clothes to be washed at the facility? If so, I'd place another big sign there, in bright colors so it can't be missed.

You might try talking to the supervisor of the aids or CNAs who help your loved one get ready for bed to advise them they should watch for signs such as that. Perhaps they're just not paying attention.

Sometimes a tray of bagels or donuts helps convince the staff to be more attentive to your loved one. Make sure to include a card and your LO's room number!


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