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SFbeto Asked July 2015

Does a POA for healthcare have the right to withhold information from family members?

My brother has POA for health care but does not even notify me when my father took a fall and was sent to the hospital in an ambulance. My brother went surfing instead of notify me or anyone else in the family. We live in California. I also believe the POA is out dated and actually was written in 1998 and states it is only good for seven years.

toptim Jul 2015
I hope i get a repliy my dad was diying of cancer a few munths ago but my sisters and the home said i needed to covince my mum and dad of giving them poa. They got this we are munth down the line and a lot of munay gone missing i dont have a saye in this but i no it was alot is there enaything i can do.

GardenArtist Jul 2015
On the face of it, it does appear to have expired. Was this a statutory form for a specific state?

I'm going to check mine to see if there's any similar language.


SFbeto Jul 2015
Thank you all for your comments. You are all very supportive and helpful. my thoughts go to one paragraph in my fathers POA that makes me wonder if it is still legal after 7 years it read word for word like this written in 1998 statutory form POA ..." Unless you specify a shorter period in this document this power will exist seven years from the date you execute this document and, if you are unable to make healthcare decisions for yourself at the time when this seven year pioriod ends, this POA will continue until th time you are able to make healthcare decisions for yourself" end of paragraph... He was in perfect health mentally and phycically seven years later unit 2 years ago when severe dementia took over. Does this statement make the POA not valid????

anonymous281963 Jul 2015
How is your Dad feeling today?

anonymous281963 Jul 2015
In my opinion only, No duty to report to you. No legal obligation to report to you.
Does that give him any rights conferred by law to withhold information?
Sorry that you are going through this.
Many people, it seems in todays world, have the right to act abominable.

GardenArtist Jul 2015
Perhaps you could contact your brother and share with him your concern for your father and ask that he keep you up to date on his health. If he doesn't, you could get in the habit of a weekly call to either of them. Your brother may get tired of the weekly reports and decide to just e-mail or call you if something happens.

There's also the possibility that he went surfing because it calmed him.

anonymous281963 Jul 2015
Contact the NH, ask to be put on the emergency contact list. As family. Maybe they will tell you. Visit often.

gladimhere Jul 2015
Dad can execute a new POA at any time if he is competent. Interesting that there may be a seven year limit and the POA needs to be re-executed, never heard of that before. And the POA does not normally have to release information, in fact the opposite. They are to keep the health and financial information private, though it would be thoughtful of him tolet you know what is going on with your dad. So, do not get too confrontational. Instead approach it with concern and a willingness to help in whatever way you can including going to the hospital with him making sure he has the things he needs, getting appropriate care, just advocating for him. Do you have a HIPPA release at least?


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