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TRUNTZ Asked July 2015

My neighbor (57) has extreme health problems as a result of years of alcohol abuse, is there any financial help for her, for medical?

She can no longer walk on her own, she has a dropped foot. Her head has now fallen to her chest, which she can no longer lift it up. And I found her this last sunday sitting on her couch in a puddle of blood, i called 911 and they took her to the hospital. I guess Im just wondering if there is any help for her. I know if she gets out of hospital she wont be able to care for her self. she was bleeding from her vaginia, she doesnt eat enough if anything, because she would rather drink.

freqflyer Jul 2015
One thing to note, the hospital will not let her go home by herself. Someone will need to come to pick her up. Hopefully someone from her family. If she still is of sound mind, meaning she can think for herself, she will let the hospital whom to call.

If the hospital calls you, decline even though you want to help. Otherwise you might find yourself being her responsibility, and you don't want to do that. It could turn into 168 hours a week responsibility.

I hope your neighbor doesn't have any pets.

jan123 Jul 2015
maybe she's drinking because of her problem alcoholics tend to drink more under stress but she needs social work services you don't know what danger you are putting yourself in be careful.


Miasmom1 Jul 2015
I'm not sure what t o tell you once she leaves the hospital but for hospital bills they have financial aid for which is easy to qualify. an application is usually on the back of each bill that is sent. Also please remember that any time you sign a "consent to treat" you become the "guarantor" and you are taking full responsibility for the bill. hope this helps a bit.

cattgoodness Jul 2015
Dido tell ss worker they may make her a ward of state she needs a in house r
ehabi for her habbit as she's killing herselfwith drink with medMedicaid help later she could go to a group home if she in both body health and mind can come back out in the world with out hitting the bottle but that might be yrs iis it cancer who knows she could be full of harmless tummors like I had I was bleeding so heavy I had to have a hysterectomy look on the positive side for your friend tell her she will get better in both mind and body once she stops drinking and there is help

JoAnn29 Jul 2015
For a neighbor I wouldn't get involved anymore than telling the social worker at the hospital her circumstance. They may be able to put her into nursing care. If she is bleeding, she may have cervix/uterian cancer. Let them contact a family member. You can be supportive.

Coloresue Jul 2015
You could see if she has contact information for a relative. It would be good for a relative to help her to apply for medicaid or other helpful programs. She definitely sounds like she needs a full care facility that will accept her. Probably a state run one. If she has no one, sometimes the police dept. has a person that helps with this job. Also you could as a last resort. You need some kind of social service to guide you. I'd research what is in your area, maybe starting with the Health Dept. or Senior Services if that exists.

pamstegma Jul 2015
Sorry, but it sounds like Mom is a Hospice case. Please have a long talk with the attending physician. Talk to the Social Worker about how to get her into a Hospice center or Nursing Home.


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