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stressedtired Asked July 2015

Does a nursing home/assisted living facility make financial decisions without consulting the POA?

jeannegibbs Jul 2015
The moment your aunt died your POA ceased to be valid. So I suppose they had no need to consult you. But you were still Uncle's POA, right?

So what benefits did they apply for for your uncle that you think they should have consulted you first?

Were these death benefits to pay for the funeral ... something like that? Or just what was their nature? Is your uncle able to make decisions on his own behalf? Has he been declared by a court to be incompetent?

We really need more information to comment on this.

geewiz Jul 2015
What benefits did the facility apply for?


stressedtired Jul 2015
I was POA for an aunt and uncle. The aunt expired. The facility applied for her benefits on her "husbands" behalf without informing me. Did they have a right to do this without my knowledge or consent?

GardenArtist Jul 2015
Could you be more specific as to what kind of financial decisions are involved?


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