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PaulForMom Asked July 2015

Has anybody dealt with Wernicke's encephalopathy?

My mother (61) was found unconscious in her home. Need help with what to expect. She just got out of ICU tonight and is headed to a regular hospital room. Unfortunately my sister and I (we would be taking care of her in the future) live 650+ miles away.

She's progressed nicely over the past few days compared to the day she was admitted. When she finally became conscious she had a really hard time recognizing people and speaking, she couldn't use her hands or legs at all. Now she is starting to be able to give herself a drink out of a straw and can put a spoon to her mouth. She's very very weak and can't even hold herself up to sit, let alone walk.

We're completely lost with caring for her going forward. I can't believe this is the first time I've ever heard of Wernicke's. I've been to Al-Anon and dealing with alcoholics for most of my adult life. The Drs didn't really even know what it was.

Any advice or links to forums or info would be greatly appreciated.


GardenArtist Jul 2015
Paul, you might also try Googling Wernicke's encephalothapy to see if there are any organizations that focus on this condition.

I was curious so I did; here's a link to all the hits I got. Perhaps some of them will be helpful in describing this vitamin deficiency related condition and how to treat it. I've found the NIH sites are informative but very technical. Mayo Clinic and Web MD sites are more readable.

Are you still planning to bring her back to your home area?

GardenArtist Jul 2015
I know nothing about this condition but just wanted to bump your post up so others might see it.

I've found the best way to learn about a specific condition is to google it, selecting the reliable medical or educational sites for best information.

Perhaps others here will be more familiar with this condition.



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