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yoyoman Asked July 2015

My Father suffers from vascular dementia. His wife was in an accident recently and can't care for him. Any advice?

My father's vascular dementia is getting worse and his wife waist an accident. She is recovering, but it seems they will need more help managing life together and I would like to know what resources might be available to help them. He also is a veteran.

GardenArtist Jul 2015
Contact the closest VA facility, ask to speak with the Eligibility Department or one of the service organizations. American Legion helped us. This or another service organization (such as VFW) can help you navigate the paperwork and get your father and possibly mother (I haven't paid attention to the spousal qualifications as it doesn't apply to us) qualified for health care initially and/or additional levels of care depending on any service connected disability or income, as some of the benefits are income related.

Don't even consider paying anyone to assist you with VA qualification; it's a racket and illegal. The service organizations have knowledgeable people and their services are free.

Some counties and states also have veterans affairs departments that can assist with the initial paperwork then forward it to a service organization for further processing.

In the meantime, contact the doctor who treated your mother after her accident and/or is treating her during her recovery and ask for a script for home care and PT for her. You might also ask if the script for her can include PT and OT (which will help with identifying different and more physical energy saving ways of managing around the house.

Do the same with the physician for your father's vascular dementia. \

What is your mother's prognosis? When she recovers, will she be able to care for your father? If not, you might have to consider a higher level of support in the home if your father wants to remain there.

This is something you can also discuss with a veterans' service organization. There's a program to help people remain in their homes; I don't recall the name of it right now though.

Your local Area Agency on Aging should be able to help direct you to other sources, but I'd at least get started with veterans' benefits. ]

And if you can get home care, a social worker can assist with identifying other sources of help.

Good luck, and I hope your mother recovers quickly.


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