Night time voiding is making us all sleep deprived. Was in rehab for 4 weeks following hosp for dehydration. Swollen feet caused dr to give lasix. Home now, still on lasix and and first night got up 6 times a night. Cannot get back into bed without assistance. Last night stopped water at 7:30 and got up 4 times. Drank approx 50 oz. reduce water? Stop sooner? Both? Dr coming today but looking for expiential info. Thanks
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I hated to do that, but then...there are lots of things we hate to do or see hen we're caregiving.
Does your mom have dementia or Alzheimers? I know when folks do, it can affect their bathroom schedule. When your mom pees, does she produce much urine? Do you know what color it is? Tough questions I know, but it's all part of the puzzle. I'd speak to her doctor about it to see if they have any suggestions.