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Maryjudy Asked July 2015

What is the appropriate amount of water for a woman (90) on Lasix with history of dehydration?

Night time voiding is making us all sleep deprived. Was in rehab for 4 weeks following hosp for dehydration. Swollen feet caused dr to give lasix. Home now, still on lasix and and first night got up 6 times a night. Cannot get back into bed without assistance. Last night stopped water at 7:30 and got up 4 times. Drank approx 50 oz. reduce water? Stop sooner? Both? Dr coming today but looking for expiential info. Thanks

MaggieMarshall Jul 2015
I was caregiver for mom for a year, in my home, before she died. It didn't take me long to realize that if I didn't get a good night's sleep, I was useless. And that's even besides her wanting out of bed by 6 am. I eventually put mom in Depends briefs and told her to just go ahead and pee and not worry about it. I was lucky that she did that. Mom was a 15-minute project to and fro the toilet...even the commode by her bed.

I hated to do that, but then...there are lots of things we hate to do or see hen we're caregiving.

Maryjudy Jul 2015
Thank you but there is no dementia or UTI. Just the lasix and previous dehydration. Very straightfoward.


blannie Jul 2015
Have you checked her out for a urinary tract infection (UTI)? Or maybe she has an overactive bladder issue. I know my mom gets up at night once, but I don't think she's getting up multiple times. I just checked and my mom is taking 20 mgs of furosemide a day.

Does your mom have dementia or Alzheimers? I know when folks do, it can affect their bathroom schedule. When your mom pees, does she produce much urine? Do you know what color it is? Tough questions I know, but it's all part of the puzzle. I'd speak to her doctor about it to see if they have any suggestions.

Maryjudy Jul 2015
Thanks...she takes 40 mg with breakfast..maybe an earlier cutoff would work.

blannie Jul 2015
When does your mom take her lasix? My mom is on furosemide (lasix equivalent) and takes it in the morning with breakfast. She pees several times in the next four hours. So I'd question when your mom is taking her med and if you can time it so she's done with her peeing by night time. I'd try to get her drinking her fluids early in the day and cut it off late afternoon. My mom is 95.


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