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pegredmon Asked July 2015

Since the passing of my Father, my Mother is now writing bad checks. What can I do?

My Mother was more than financially set. She has hooked up with a second person, male, and quick deeded property to him and now has written a bad check, I'm sure he is abusing her funds. I am from out of state so not sure how to proceed to stop or recap what has been lost do to this individual

pegredmon Jul 2015
they were farmers he over seen everything,but she wrote the bills,however she has gone from 500+ acres prime ia. farm ground,several houses to living in a shack and the indivivual she is with is married and has really prospered since,do you think there is a case against him based on this brief infomation

freqflyer Jul 2015
If your Mom is of clear mind [thus no Alzheimer's/Dementia] there isn't much you can do. It's her money to do with how she pleases. If she is writing bad checks, that means she has no money in her checking account, or she doesn't understand how to balance a checkbook so not to make that mistake. Did your Dad handle all the money matters?



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