My Alz husband sleeps most of the day, eats little but 2 times a wk I have to get him up to go to Adult day care which he enjoys & seems quite awake till 9pm & sleeps all night except when he gets up to potty & get a cookie. In evening I give him 100 pc puzzles & he does 3 or 4 before bedtime. He is really a blessing consider what others go thru & I am calm as keeps him happy. I also read about alz to stay ahead knowing what might happen & not get so devastated when it occurs. God bless all you caregivers & this support.
My mother sleeps most of the day as well, although she is 91 and has been diagnosed with dementia. She is very agitated at night and has a very hard time sleeping during the evening hours, so this might be the cause for your mom, or at least one of them. I sense that my mom is coming to the end of her journey so I usually just let her do whatever makes her feel comfortable, but your mother is younger so there may be more cause for concern. I would definitely speak with her doctor. I know what you're going through, believe me.
I will just say I will guess her time is off with her meds and lots of people when sick knowing they can't do much like they used to sleep as an escape and it becomes a habbit that if well enough might be broken with different small things such as meals in a different room small walkor rolls out in the sun the bodywas not made to sleep in the day we need our sunlight for our health there are special lights to help us with mood and keep us from being depressed in winter as well its worth a try
my mother has dementia...and sleeps most of the time now...this has been a gradual process...i believe it is the dying process...and god bless her state, i'm glad she could sleep most of the day!
You do not give us any information about your mother, but sleeping all day for an 84 yr. old is not good for anyone. When lying horizontally for long periods without fluid intake will result in kidney damage. Get her to a doctor.
What you may want to realize is that this may actually be part of the dying process. People have a strong tendency to sleep more than they used to as part of that process. In fact, I've actually seen this happen with two elderly people already. You may also want to check out this page:
All of the questions above are to be considered.Another one is are there diagnoses which might contribute? For example a diagnosis of Alzheimers, depending on the stage, may note increased day time sleep. And the quality of that sleep . . .Does she live with you where she is directly observed? Lack of stimulation other than T.V. is a factor.
We need more information like what medical issues does your Mom have? Is she taking blood pressure pills, as such pills can make one pretty tired until the dosage is adjusted? Other prescription and over-the-counter pills might have sleepiness as a side-effect. Have you talked this over with your Mother's doctor?
Before this sleep-all-day, was your Mother active? Active meaning helping around the house, walking out to get the mail, going grocery shopping with you, etc.
How does your Mother sleep at night? Is she very restless and stays awake? Pain can do that.... I found that out myself when I had an injury, laying down at night I just couldn't sleep, but it was easy to doze off sitting on the sofa.
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Before this sleep-all-day, was your Mother active? Active meaning helping around the house, walking out to get the mail, going grocery shopping with you, etc.
How does your Mother sleep at night? Is she very restless and stays awake? Pain can do that.... I found that out myself when I had an injury, laying down at night I just couldn't sleep, but it was easy to doze off sitting on the sofa.