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publiccomputer Asked July 2015

How to get paid for caring for my Mother who is on oxygen 24 hrs a day?

I have to cook for her because she can't use a stove w/oxygen, have to get wheelchair for dr appts all the time and assist her in cleaning house, cutting grass, cooking food, shopping, etc. I'm getting depressed!!!! It's too much without not getting paid 4 all the things I have to do @ home. Michele R.

GardenArtist Jul 2015
If it's any consolation, some of the posters do a lot more than you're doing and they don't get paid.

CarlaCB Jul 2015
Michele, welcome to the club! Most of us don't get paid for doing driving and household tasks for our parents. If your mother can't afford to pay you, all you can do is check with your state and county agencies and programs and see if they offer and programs for paying family caregivers and if you would qualify. Good luck!


freqflyer Jul 2015
The vast majority of grown children do not get paid for caring for their parent unless the parent can pay them from their own retirement funds. Would that be possible for your Mom to do that?

Otherwise, see if your Mom could qualify for Medicaid. Medicaid could send someone over to help out a few hours each week.

I noticed you said "cutting grass".... really?.... I think it is time to downsize and move to something more manageable.


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