My Mother (80) is a senior citizen living in Ft. Smith and needs transportation to and from dialysis 3 times per week and transportation to doctor appointments and grocery store. She is no long supposed to drive. She also needs some assistance with light housekeeping. Are there any services available?
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And more in which I offered suggestions (which I searched for by my name because I remember that I posted on these threads but don't remember who else might have):
You really have 2 transportation issues: 1: medical transporation, and 2: nonmedical transportation, and a home assistance question.
Suggestions in the articles and other posts should help, but if they don't, you can always try the local senior center in Ft. Smith and the Area Agency on Aging. They're generally good resources. But do try the local transporation company; I've found they offer the cheapest rides, and in my experience, in small buses equipped with lifts for wheelchairs.
As to light housekeeping, there are likely a number of agencies that provide that. Sometimes individuals can find someone through a church, suggestions from other seniors (such as those living in senior complexes), or recommendations from social workers. But a lot of it is just leg work, calling agencies, getting information, interviewing, and making a decision.
In my area, some senior centers have a little booklet with a lot of information on senior services - assisted living, independent living, transportation services, etc.
It wouldn't hurt to contact the senior center in Ft. Smith to inquire as to what services they offer and/or any recommendations they can make.
Your post states that you're caring for your mother, living at home. Is that by any chance in a retirement community? If so, they frequently offer services on a specified basis to grocery stores and medical appointments within a specified range of the community.