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jps1953 Asked July 2015

How to find an advisor not paid by facility in order to find assisted care?

My parents are looking for an assisted care facility. Websites that offer help locating the best match, such as A Place For Mom have a financial incentive to recommend only businesses that they contract with. I understand there are professionals who provide this service for a fee paid by the clients rather than the facility in which the client is placed. But, I have been unsuccessful in locating any such professional in Orange County, California. Any suggestions as to how to proceed in this search?

Luv2Travel Oct 2016
I'm doing alllllllllllllllllll of that. This possible local person was just another potential information source. I did note the posting was old. Thanks!

freqflyer Oct 2016
Luv2Travel, unfortunately the original poster posted the question over a year ago and hasn't been back on-line here since.

One needs to preview a lot of places as each case is different. What might work for one parent may not be what is needed for your parent. Only you know what would work best.

Check all the websites, ask for brochures, set up a tour of the facility. What feels like "home" to you may not feel like "home" to someone else. I had crossed off a few places I had toured for a variety of reasons. Even one of the top 5-star places I crossed off as the place was just too big. The place that I thought was the best fit for my Dad, a smaller Victorian resort feel Dad loved it and we were quite pleased with the care he had received.

If possible, let the parent decide. He/she might find an old friend who is now living there :)


Luv2Travel Oct 2016
Those are good ideas but I also wanted to ask the original poster because they are in my area and in the same situation.

gladimhere Oct 2016
A good idea to find impartial assistance is to ask friends, or find a Geriatric Care Manager. GCM's may also receive payment for a referral, but they are very familiar with all sorts of options. Another person to ask would be the doctor.

Luv2Travel Oct 2016
How did you end up finding a good place? I'm also in OC so very interested. Were you also looking at memory care? Thanks.

Claudio Aug 2015
Chances are you'll get an unbiased recommendation from a case manager of social worker from a nearby hospital. They have access to large networks of care at different transition needs. They may know a few ALFs to contact.
Also, your local home health agency can recommend a nearby ALF, you want it to be close to you.
Hope this helps!

pamstegma Jul 2015
You open the yellow pages and get a list. You ask at the nearest senior center. Then you visit these places, get the tour, the free lunch and the sales pitch. If you are easily swayed, that will be difficult.
You also ask their MD if Assisted Living is the right level of care. Too many people underestimate their parents' limitations and the AL has to ask them to seek a higher level of care.


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