Who is the POA? Police were called, said they cannot make her come home....Mom went to lunch with said "friends" and she is claiming she hasn't had a bath in two weeks...stealing her money, etc...now keep in mind she had a stroke and has been declared incompetent...has the mind of a 16 year old AND the things she claims ARE NOT true. She is mad because we had to put her house up for sale....I am at my ropes end....We have been working on finding assisted living or whatever is out there for her, and working with a therapist...but all this outside interference does not help her mindset at all...seems like we take 3 steps forward and 10 back....
It really bothers me that people who have only seen her 4 times in as many months think they know what is all going on...even the officer agreed that they should have talked to us first.....do I have any recourse with this so-called friend???
3 Answers
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What was your conversation with the police? Are they unwilling to bring your mom home if you feel she's in danger of being defrauded?
Where is she currently residing? Is she with these "friends"? Are they people that she's known for a long time, or are they people you feel maybe trying to take financial advantage of her?
In the first case (real friends with no ulterior motives), I'd be tempted to let them have a nice long visit which will give you some time to research secure facilities. I would be careful about putting her some place she can simply walk out if.
In the second case (suspected financial exploitation ), I would go to court and ask for emergency guardianship. And don't forget that as POA, you are spending mom's money, not your own on lawyers, court fees, etc.