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Momof6 Asked August 2015

My Dad's bloated. What can I do to help him?

My dad has cirrhosis of the liver, he had an appointment with his Doc when the nurse took his blood pressure, it was dangerously low so they admitted him into the hospital. My dad was given and IV to bring up his blood pressure, now he is all bloated from his abdominal area! Should I double him up on his diuretic?

Eyerishlass Aug 2015
If he's back home from the hospital call his Dr.

My dad had cirrhosis as well. He had to have a paracentesis several times to drain that fluid from his abdomen.

BarbBrooklyn Aug 2015
Call the number on the emergency sheet. Arrange to get him back to the ER or to his doctor if you get no response. Is this a new symptom?


jeannegibbs Aug 2015
Is he home now? What did the hospital discharge sheet say? If it is unclear call the number on the sheet for further instructions.


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