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julihoelzel Asked August 2015

Is it abuse to leave a bed and wheelchair ridden man alone?

He has no one with him from 10 at night unit 5 or 6 in the morning. This morning person stays long enough to clean him up and dress him. He does make him breakfast. Late morning until 6 he is again alone. I am not sure how they handle lunch, he is diabetic. His girfriend/ caregiver of many years decided she didn't want to take care of him any more and moved out.

Countrymouse Aug 2015
So who is providing the morning and evening caregivers? It sounds as if an agency of some sort, whether paid for privately or through APS/social services, is already involved.

I wouldn't describe this situation as abuse; not if it's the man's choice to remain in his own home and he has the mental capacity to make his own decisions. How long has he been incapacitated? - is he used to manoeuvring himself around, does he manage his own medications and so on? Unless he has dementia it's up to him to decide where to live, and to commission whatever additional services he might need.

GardenArtist Aug 2015
Yes. I'm assuming that this man is unable to even get out of the wheelchair w/o assistance? Are there any family members involved?

And since you're aware of the situation, whether you're a relative, friend or observer, you should call APS as recommended by Army and Babalou. Call NOW.


BarbBrooklyn Aug 2015
What if there is a fire? Call APS.

Labs4me Aug 2015
Call Adult Protective Services ASAP.


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