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CAustin8532 Asked August 2015

Is there a number I can call? I have so much going on its really too much to type.

I just need someone to talk to my grandmother(83) has vascular dementia, my grandfather(93) is in good health and i stay here and take care of them along with my son (9) who is autistic. I need a number so I call call. I would like to talk to someone over the phone because its alot going on and I am far from being prepared for this. I feel like I am going to have a nervous breakdown. PLEASE I NEED HELP IN EVERY POSSIBLE WAY! Thanks

mjan449 Aug 2015
Please know that you are not alone. I know how you feel because I take care of my grandparents without any other family help. Grandfather (86) entering late stage Alzheimers, grandmother (94) vascular dementia. Also I grew up with a girl with severe autism who was like my sister (daughter of moms best friend). Please be good to yourself first. You can't love others until you can love yourself.

anonymous281963 Aug 2015
For you.


anonymous281963 Aug 2015
Austin, if it helps, we are still here fof you.

anonymous281963 Aug 2015
1 (800) 272-3900

anonymous281963 Aug 2015
Spelled: A u t i s m S p e a k s

anonymous281963 Aug 2015
Autisn Speaks: talk to a counselor 24/7 at a lifeline crisis center.
@ 1(800) 273-talk
1(800) 273-8255

anonymous281963 Aug 2015
Here is the number to call:
Birmingham Alabama Crisis Hotline (205) 323-7782
(205) 323-7777 or 211.
Also, if you think you may be having a nervous breakdown, you can always call any suicide hotline, whether or not you are suicidal, they may have you talk to a professional.
You mentioned several areas that are real serious issues. You can type them up separately, for example:Son with autism-he did this, needs help with, etc.
Grandmother with vascular dementia may need more help than I am able to give.
Grandfather is aging, may not be able to help his wife.
Caustin feels like I am having a nervous breakdown because I feel, because I am shaking, or?
Thanks for taking the first most important step to reach out to get help. You matter to everyone here more than you know.
Let's start with baby steps and a good as possible nights sleep.
If things get awfully bad, slip your fingers across 911 and let them handle the rest.
I hope you won't need to take that option.

PhoenixDaughter Aug 2015
great advice but plan to extricate yourself from being their carers - YOU CANNOT be expected to do this AT ALL. It is too much for one person to look after one person 24/7 let alone 3 needing your care and support especially when one is suffering from vascular dementia and everything that brings to the table. Bolt on autism in your child and it is not realistic - your son should be your focal point (although why I am telling you something that you will already know is beyond me - but I am British - we like to state the obvious)

Huge hugs hun get it sorted if you do nothing then nothing will change so get on that phone now

JeanetteB Aug 2015
Please run and call the 24 hour help line. Someone there will talk you through whatever is going on.

gladimhere Aug 2015
Caustin, call the Alzheimer's association, a good place to start.


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