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Countribumpkin Asked August 2015

What do you do when you cannot cope with the denial and being stubborn and selfish?

My elderly father lives 90km out of town and drives into town every week and even if I tell him I wont be home he says that's ok I will still come into town even when I am rostered on to work then he wants to know my roster so he can come in on my days off

Hugemom Aug 2015
I agree. I know the question posts don't allow for much detail. Dad is in denial of what? That you are grown and on your own? Yes, venting is alllowed!

lifeexperiences Aug 2015
guess the writer of this question was just venting...which is okay too...


jeannegibbs Aug 2015
Could you provide a little more background, Countribumpkin? Is your elderly dad 67, 82, 94? Does he have impairments? What is he in denial of? Explain the stubborn and selfish claim.

It sounds like he wants to visit you once a week, Is that right? And you don't want him to because __________?

Just give a little more information if you'd like specific feedback.

lifeexperiences Aug 2015
How was your relationship with your dad growing up? How long does he want to stay when he visits??? Is he a pain in the ass at your house? And what does he do in town if you're not around? If he has friends there...that's fine.

GardenArtist Aug 2015
Maybe he's just lonely and wants to be with his son or daughter (your profile doesn't state which)?

Windyridge Aug 2015
What's the history here? Dad still totally independent ? Dementia? Driving an issue? Are you the only person left for him?


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