She fell and broke her humerus and is wearing a brace and has to wear an immobility belt/arm harness also. Does anyone have suggestions on what kind of tips I could get her. It is tough to remove the Velcro on everything and if I move her arm too much it hurts. She has Alzeihmers and since falling, she has no appetite.
11 Answers
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I hope the arm/shoulder that broke wasn't your Mom's primary use arm. Otherwise, she would need to learn to do everything with her non-primary use arm. I am right-handed, and trying to write or even eat left handed, the final result was that of a 3 year old :P Even four months later, I still use the computer Mouse left handed.
Hope your Mom can sleep in a recliner, it had been highly recommended to me by two doctors. Unfortunately I had no recliner so had to sleep sitting up in bed surrounded by pillows :(
I haven't seen these new ones, but I'm thinking that the broken shoulder side could just be snapped at the top and left open at the bottom, or if the gown is big enough, slipped inside the harness, if that's possible.
I'd keep some soft fleece throws or blankets handy as well since a change in clothing might cause her to become cooler, and it won't be possible to put on sweat shirts or something else that could keep her warm.
Oh my gosh, trying to get into tops was a painful experience. I found a website where they offer tops that open at the shoulders using velcro.... one has to step into the top to put it on. The place is called "ShoulderShirts" and just google that name as one word.
And as Maggie had suggested above, oversize dusters, I bought what is called "cobbler's aprons" but these are made like shirt tops, open armhole with snaps down the front. I bought them from a website catalog called "ShopNationals", those cobbler aprons were very inexpensive, wash and dry easily, too.