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joycetavolacci Asked August 2015

Has anyone taking their parent to a geriatric specialist?

I heard Beaumont has a good group of Geriatric Drs.

GardenArtist Aug 2015
EaseLiving, I know that you're a business owner; do you deal with Beaumont commercially?

EaseLiving Aug 2015
Beaumont Royal Oak (MI) has amazing Geriatricians!


GardenArtist Aug 2015
Jeanne, Beaumont in Michigan.

jeannegibbs Aug 2015
GA, just to clarify, are you talking Beaumont in TX or in MI (or somewhere else)?

GardenArtist Aug 2015
Joyce, I don't know about any geriatric doctors specifically at Beaumont but it is not a hospital I would ever go to.

jeannegibbs Aug 2015
Joyce, when my husband developed dementia in his 70s his primary care doctor was worse than useless. We switched to a geriatrician with an excellent reputation. Oh my, was she good!! I think that single move had a big impact on the quality of his life. She was willing to let his neurologist lead his dementia care and she was very knowledgeable about drug interactions and his condition. Awesome!

When my mother started needing more care I took her to the same geriatrician. I attended all appointment with my mother and with my husband, so I saw this woman at work. The training and the knowledge is important, but the basic attitude toward the elderly is probably most helpful.

I am now seventy myself. Probably not for a few years ... but I do intend to switch my pcp to a geriatric specialist as I age.


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