We thought moving my mother in law in with us would help her out but it's been a challenge for us and a strain in our marriage. My mother in law promised to quit smoking in order to move in and improve her health, and because I have severe allergies, but she still smokes 14 month later! She helps as much as she can like laundry, but she is not clean. She showers every other day or two days and as a smoker she should shower nightly. We have noticed that she follows my husband like a lost puppy. In fact my husband cannot even turn around without her bumping into him and he can't seem to have a moment alone without her being right up under him. Is there something more going on with her that we are not seeing? Should we talk with her doctor about this. So far her doctor says her mind is good, but I'm starting to question things like the following bit. My husband has tried asking her to give him some space, but the next day when he gets home the following starts all over! We are just not quite sure what to do, and it's driving my husband crazy. Other than with us and my family, she has no social life. We have tried to get her to stay with family that wants her to visit but she hasn't done this yet. I think her eye sight is worse than she let's on some days. She did have to give up driving July 2014, and she just doesn't go far because I think she's afraid something may happen to us or she's out of her comfort zone because of her eyesight. We've thought of assisted living but I don't think she would agree to that right now.
7 Answers
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How would i talk to her doctor without her there? I wanted to be there last time but my husband took her instead. She has routine exams like colonoscopy coming up so that may be stressing her out. She's a stressed out kid when going to the doctors! She never went until moving in with us and i have to take her now.
If that is what it is, her behavior will likely progress and become even more challenging. I would consider that and the options before I remodeled my house.
Has she tried electronic cigarettes?
I'd say it is really sad that she is chained to a cigarette. What she "wants" is probably very complex.
I was very glad to hear that you and your husband talk a lot to keep yourselves a team and that " we put her out of our minds and focus on us" Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the paragraphs! They make reading much smoother!
Take care and keep in touch!
As far as the shadowing is concerned, i do know she likes to be nosey and follows people around but its more than that because she was not this bad when she was independent and came to visit. She stays with my sister (who is a good bit older than i am)from time to time for the weekend and ive been asked by my nieces why does she follow people around? So unless she fears being alone...its just hard to explain.
Anytime we have time alone, we take advantage of our time together and talk things out. once we talk about issues that may arise or has happened with my mother in law recently, we put her out of our minds and focus on us with what little alone time we do have together now.
On a different note, what can we do to help her realize there is more out there than to worry about us and that shes not trapped? We do have a little transportation system in our county and any time she needs money all she has to do is ask. We do limit her money because she is gullable in helping the wrong people! About 6 months before moving in with us, she bailed a girl out of jail busted for a DUIor drugs but in order to do that she pawned the title to her car and could not pay it off. This was not a close friend or family just an aquaintance, but she wanted to be "a help" to this girl. Not long after she moved in with us, and we found out about the title pawn since she needed to go pay it...she owed too much to pay it off and the car was in such bad shape that it wasnt even worth $300!! She told us to let it get reposessed since she owed too much on it and my husband couldn't sell it for a profit so we did. Thankfully we manage her money because before we took over her finances, she had overdrafted about $1000 between a 6 month period! Anytime she needs anything we get it for her,,or give her a little money so she can get a few things on her own when we go shopping or i will write a check for her. Its the best way to make sure she has enough money for her needs and wants. However, if she wants visit family and friends, we are not going to send her empty handed, we just may have to give the money to them since she cannot see the numbers on the bills very well but her sight may be improving with her blood pressure in more control now. Other than vision challenges she gets around well, and seems in better spirits. Sorry for such a long response, i was just trying to give more insight about our circumstances and what her demeanor is like. She is a great person, and of course we want to watch out for her, but sometimes it does seem like she could careless about her health and smoking. But i also can tell she enjoys it and thats one of her few enjoyments left since she cannot drive now. We just wish we could get her into a senior group at a center or church to make friends. However, i think her smoking is keeping her from reaching out since you cannot smoke in most places now unless in a bar or your car. Its sad really that she wants to be chained to a cigarette.
Elderly parents sometimes put forth extra effort to come across as healthier than they really are so very often when going to see the doctor.
I hope your husband have medical and durable POA for her?
I he her only child?
The smoking does need to stop and they want let her smoke inside an assisted living or nursing home.
She may need an anti-anxiety med to help calm her down.
I"m clueless about the shadowing thing. Is she aware of who she is shadowing or does she think she's following maybe a reminder of her husband?
Could it be that she's regressed some to seeing her grown son as her little boy who need his mommy to shadow him? Was she overly protective of him as a child?
Does your husband in any way remind her of his dad? Has she ever shadowed anyone before coming to your house.
I'm just asking these questions as they come to mind. There must be an explanation for the shadowing behavior!
Yes, as jeannegibbs said above, act as a team in all of this without any unilateral decisions that cuts someone out of the process. This alone will help your marriage greatly.
You would be applaud at those who have a parent at home by a unilateral decision and have cut their spouse out of the whole thing entirely. Some of these spouses are too patient as their marriage declines to a room mate level of intimacy (and I'm not talking about sex).
It's a proven fact that two adult women under the same roof creates unhealthy triangles with the wife often left in the middle wondering if her husband is her man or her MIIL's little boy. It's that simple. The husband in turn often finds himself torn between trying to please two very important women in his life at the same time under the same roof.
The geographical closeness makes the emotional dynamics more intense. I would think this would be true even in the best of situations. I know it would be an impossibility for either of us here at home.
You know while I miss having the boys at home in some ways, in other ways it's nice to have an empty nest with the whole house just for me and my wife!!!!! Shoot, I even wrote a very positive poem and shared it with my wife about how much I was looking forward to our empty nest with just the two of us like we use to be before having babies!
So, I understand your need for privacy. That's one or the very nice things about an empty nest! You definitely need your privacy.
Take care, Do keep in touch and let us know how things are going.
Love, prayers and cyber hugs
About the smoking -- it would be better for MIL's health if she stops smoking. I would be better for your allergies if she stops smoking. But as I understand it that can be an extremely difficult addiction to overcome, especially in circumstances of stress, which surely Age-related Macular Degeneration must be! Have you compromised with limiting where she can smoke? Have you looked into program she could join to help her stop? I think that you have a right to a smoke-free environment, and I do hope you can at least keep her smoking out of your home. This is a difficult issue. You expected one thing when you agreed to her moving in, and are getting something different.
It is great that she helps as much as she can. It might be good for her self-esteem and your patience if you can come up with additional things she can do with her vision problems. Tell her often how much you appreciate her contributions to running the household.
As for her personal cleanliness, I'm thinking you may need to re-think your standards. Every-other day or every-third day showering may be adequate. Yes, because she smokes it would be great if she showered nightly, but is that a battle worth fighting? Is she clean in other ways? Doesn't wear the same clothes over and over without washing them, washes her hands each time she toilets, doesn't leave wet towels on the hardwood floor, etc.? If you read through posts here you will see how very many people struggle with loved ones who have no notion of basic hygiene anymore. They'd be happy with a shower a week and no urine-stained clothes.
Caregiving a parent is stressful! I hope that both you and your husband attend a caregivers support group. If you haven't done that yet, find one in your area. Knowing that you are not alone, and how other people handle it can be reassuring.
Is your husband following through consistently with the shadowing problem? She's OK when he talks to her about it and then the next day it starts all over. Does he then say, "Mom, it is so nice that we can spend time together now, but I also need some private time. In about an hour I'll come and find you and we can play a quick rummy of rummy before bedtime." If her memory is starting to slip, she may need daily reminders.
What would have to change for MIL's presence in your home would be comfortable for all of you?