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1andonly Asked October 2015

My Mother has type 1 diabetes and has recently been diagnosed with dementia/early Alzheimer's disease. What are her best options?

She lives alone 40 minutes away. She is beginning to have difficulty keeping up with the demands of controlling her blood sugars and injections. Right now we have care givers that are with her for the breakfast, lunch, and dinner checks and injections. I call each night to wake her for the bedtime check. As the dementia worsens, I am trying to figure out what the best options for her will be. Can someone that needs help with diabetes live in an assisted living facility with a dementia unit?

Sunnygirl1 Oct 2015
I think this is similar to your other thread. Maybe they will be combined. I would check those AL facilities in your state to see about their policy on insulin injection. She should be able to manage in Memory Care Assisted Living with the help of staff, if insulin injection is allowed in your state. The staff would need to be properly trained though, so they can watch for signs of low blood sugar. If they can get her on a scheduled diet, that will help.

I would be cautious in the interim though. Even though she has support coming in to the house to check blood sugar and give injections, she could still suffer a drop in BS and not be able to properly respond. It makes you confused, even if you don't have dementia. She could need a sugar source at 2:00 a.m. Also, does she have access to her insulin and supplies when left alone? She could forget and take some when she doesn't need it. I would caution about that too.

There are so many things that Type I diabetics have to watch out for. I would encourage you to locate a Type I diabetic locally whether it's a family friend or a diabetes educator, who can go over the trouble areas and provide some solutions while you are trying to get her settled. It's a lot to comprehend, put on paper, etc. I wish you all the best with your mother. This must be exceptionally scary. As a Type I diabetic, I can't imagine leaving my management up to someone else. It's a huge responsibility and a full time job.


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