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norforkcowboy Asked October 2015

i am taking care of my Mother (89). Can I get paid for this?

s in the army for over 20 years

freqflyer Oct 2015
Vast majority of grown children do not get paid for caring for their parent.... unless the parent can pay from their own retirement fund. If that is something your mother can do, then you would need to prepare an employment contract which states the number of hours per day, number of days worked per week, the hourly rate, and who will be responsible for the payroll taxes.

If your mother qualifies for Medicaid, check with her State Medicaid office to see what programs are available as each State has their own rules, regulations, and programs... and the programs keep changing depending on State budgets. If there isn't a pay available, you might be able to have a caregiver from an agency to come in, paid by the State, for a couple hours per week.

In the mean time, check with the U.S. Army to see what Veteran programs are available, and check with your Mom's local county Council on Aging for local programs, such as Meals On Wheels.


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