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katcorby Asked October 2015

I need help doing this and can't find any. Advice?

Dad has dementia Mom is getting crazy from trying to care for him I live 2 minutes downI dont know were to turn turn too home helth has run out PT has run out Dad is getting worse by the minute Mom has had it I live 2 minutes down the street and do everything except live there All I get is phone numbers and nobody calls me back were do I turn too this is getting really bad thank you Kathi

GardenArtist Mar 2016
Sonyre, what's "Senior Law?" Do you mean an elder law attorney? Or are you referring to an agency or company?

staceyb Mar 2016
Soynre, at the top of the page, there is a MONEY AND LEGAL section, or type in your concerns into the search box at the top too, there you will find many answers to your questions, and good luck!


soynre Mar 2016
Where can I find help in making a will.I tried Senior Law but have received no help.

Sunnygirl1 Oct 2015
I'm not clear on what you are trying to get. Is it health care or memory care facilities? Is he on Medicaid or private pay? If you can have him evaluated to see what level of care he needs, then it might be clearer as to whom you might contact. I agree it's difficult to get a live person to help assist, but I think I might tell his doctor that he needs help and why. (Do you or your mom have Healthcare Power of Attorney? If not, that might be an issue. However, I know that some Social Services will allow a family member to apply for services even if you don't have POA.) The doctor office should be able to fill out the paperwork confirming his needs so you can then apply for those services.

goodenergy Oct 2015
I know how you feel! I went through the same thing when I first started looking for help -- so much discouragement. My suggestion to you is, Keep on keeping on! Don't give up. Come here whenever you feel tired or crazy to get some support by posting, helping someone else, or reading an article.

I thought I would NEVER find help, and then things started working as I kept at it. The Alzheimer's Association has been EXTREMELY helpful to me; my mom has memory loss and I found out they help people with all kinds of dementia. Their national toll free number will connect you with a local office during business hours -- and a social worker in the evening if you are losing it! The Office of Aging also helped when I just kept trying asking for different things.

Do you have any other relatives at all? I know I hate it when people suggest that to me, because my darn relatives are slugs and refusers! Still, over time, I became willing to keep on asking. My daughter who lives nearby at first refused to help, but now helps me a few hours a week because I kept her informed of what I was doing and worked with her to try to find things that she felt she could do. And even one or two hours a week helps!

My cousins out of town refuse most pleas for help, but they do like to text -- so even texting back and forth to them once a week or so has been helping me not feel so alone and angry.

Good thoughts and energy to you! Prayers if you want them also.

JB0928 Oct 2015
I agree. Go down there and include social services. See if you can get a case worker to come out and do an evaluation. A good one will be able to provide some guidance and get you some help quicker hopefully. I wonder too about the run out piece of this. Did a doctor order some care and now it's over? If so, find another doctor, pronto! I know this is beyond worrisome for you and know the feeling of utter desperation trying to figure out what to do. Perhaps you can share a bit more so we can give more and better options. Don't give up, we're here for you!

vstefans Oct 2015
I guess go to a DHS or Area Agency office in person... Can you share what numbers you have tried calling so far? If you are calling health care providers they may not return your calls if you do not have a health care POA - any chance you could get one? Is Mom unwilling to have Dad brought in for medical care to get home health certifications updated, or is there another reason it has "run out?"


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