A great lady at my Mom's assisted living asked me for some daughterly advice and I fell short. I'm posing the question to you experts so my friend can get some sleep. She's exhausted from getting up dozens of times nightly to urinate and has trouble walking. She's decided "to hell with it, I'm just gonna wear a diaper at night. " What's the best way to go considering convenience, cost, skin health, dignity? I notice my Mom puts pads inside her disposable briefs and I thought that made them less effective. A woman told me she does that too to get multiple uses out of the briefs. I hear about double diapering too and I'm frankly confused on the whole subject. A big hug to everyone out there today sharing this journey.
26 Answers
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Does your mother's friend have a commode by her bed, though? I can sympathise with her getting fed up with getting up, but if the urge to urinate is waking her anyway it seems a shame for her to head down the slippery slope - maybe a bedside commode would be a compromise?
Members have provided good answers for you, especially seeing a doctor, so hopefully this challenge will be managed soon. God bless.
Whether someone uses a pad inside the brief or not the brief should be changed everyday like underwear for hygienic purposes. Unless there's incontinence in which case the brief should be changed after every accident.
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