Can I revoke my DPOA if I'm 2nd and do not want to be involved with my Father (1st DPOA)?
My grandmother has been BAMBOOZLED by my father financially and is now in some long term nursing facility. He could care less and my voice ISNT heard because HE IS 1st ob DPOA
Have you spoken with a lawyer about settling the loans? If there is an $84,000 lien, would they be willing to take $60,000? Can you get a mortgage for that amount? It's called a short sale.
There is no more. As unfortunAte as it is, there is nothing more.I requested Adult Protective Services look into the situation, and as soon as she was admitted into the facility, the case was closed. Nothing I could do about it. I am stuck with a big loan that grows every month as does the LOC amount. What was a $65000 loan in one year has grown to $71,000+ and the $10000 LOC is now $14000+ I appreciate the time you all have given me. Thank You
My GM is a 93 yr old that had taken care of herself, lived alone in her home until she got a UTI,from hell. CHANGED EVERYTHING. It was hallucinTions (delirium) and I moved in and took care of her for almost a year and 1/2, she kept getting UTI 's (because Kaiser kept giving her Ciproflaxin, that never worked) since she seemed to be getting sick longer, they diagnosed her with Dementia. My father was in desperate need of money and asked her, instead of a loan via B OF A, his idea for her was RM., ONE LUMP SUM PLUS A LOC AND HE TOOK IT ALL. He was convinced she was going to die. He already had plans to "put her into a home and sell the house, pay the loan off and share (maybe) whats leftover" his WIFES words. The one in a new car. I don't believe she belongs In a place that could care less if she eats or sleeps or gets out of bed. $7500, monthly. Nothing to keep her shArp. No activity. Lastly, the RM Was signed etc 1month before she was "admitted" and she hasnt any idea the facts regarding the loan/status of her home. He lied, she believed him, and the RM rep. Was a friend of his in laws
You can usually do a notarized statement that you resign as POA which lets control pass to the next alternate, or leaves the person without a POA. But if you are really asking the same question again and not satisfied with the answer, maybe you are afraid to ask the question you really want to ask, or mean to be asking something else...are you really asking if you should resign as POA since you disagree with GM's placement in a long term care facility?
Lola, we need more information. Example, how old is your Grandmother and what are her medical issues. You mentioned she is now in long term care, who was caring for her prior to that or was she independent on her own?
How did your father bamboozle your Grandmother? I remember reading on another post elsewhere that your Dad had your Grandmother get a reverse mortgage on her house. Since your Grandmother would need to talk to the banker/lender herself and sign all the paperwork, how was she tricked into getting this loan? Or was she running out of money to help pay for the long term care?
You don't have yo do anything special. You are not compelled to act. If it makes you feel better, let dad know that if he can't act or dies, you aren't interested in helping your grandmother. That'll fix him.
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I appreciate the time you all have given me. Thank You
since she seemed to be getting sick longer, they diagnosed her with Dementia. My father was in desperate need of money and asked her, instead of a loan via B OF A, his idea for her was RM., ONE LUMP SUM PLUS A LOC AND HE TOOK IT ALL.
He was convinced she was going to die. He already had plans to "put her into a home and sell the house, pay the loan off and share (maybe) whats leftover" his WIFES words. The one in a new car. I don't believe she belongs In a place that could care less if she eats or sleeps or gets out of bed.
$7500, monthly. Nothing to keep her shArp. No activity.
Lastly, the RM Was signed etc 1month before she was "admitted" and she hasnt any idea the facts regarding the loan/status of her home. He lied, she believed him, and the RM rep. Was a friend of his in laws
How did your father bamboozle your Grandmother? I remember reading on another post elsewhere that your Dad had your Grandmother get a reverse mortgage on her house. Since your Grandmother would need to talk to the banker/lender herself and sign all the paperwork, how was she tricked into getting this loan? Or was she running out of money to help pay for the long term care?