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ljessen Asked November 2015

Taking care of a friend not family, he has no family or assets. He is in late stage Alzheimer's. Who do I call?

I had this friend move in in 2010 and we split expenses, shortly after moving in work told him he needed a fit to work letter from a dr. I guess he was having problems at work. I do have some experience in Alzheimers's and he was diagnost in 2011 by the Va. so we helped him apply for disab. ss. he get 1775.00 per month with 100.00 being with held for medicare. Now the progression has gotten to the point I cannot take care of his needs. He has 1 son, who is a homeless with substance problems. no other family. No assets, divorced since 1995. Where can I go short of dropping him off at a hospital, which I cannot or will not do. Va is of no help he was only in the service for a short time so va nursing home is not option. The Dr. said he is entering stage 5 or 6 but this man cannot see, hear communicate, bath or even eat with out full time help. I'm unable to do this it is burning me out can't leave him in the house alone. I have already used his money each month as well as a great deal of my own. I need to work so I'm not in this postion.Any ideas??? Thankyou

UncleDave Nov 2015
The American Legion
Service officers representing Illinois: WAYNE T MACEJAK. AMERICAN LEGION DSO 2122 W TAYLOR ST STE 106. CHICAGO, IL 60612 ... VAC MCHENRY CO

pamstegma Nov 2015
Go to your nearest American Legion or other veterans' hall and explain the situation. They will help find a place for him. Veterans support their own.


UncleDave Nov 2015
Now the progression has gotten to the point I cannot take care of his needs.

Where can I go short of dropping him off at a hospital, which I cannot or will not do.

Good luck..... Dropping him off might find a way to take care of his needs. Have you spoken with the counselors at Alz Assoc 24/7 Helpline: 1.800.272.3900 for advice

Eyerishlass Nov 2015
You need to get your friend on Medicaid so he can go into a nursing home. Unfortunately the Medicaid process is lengthy and it sounds like you need help right now.

My spotty memory is telling me that a nursing home will accept your friend while he is going through the Medicaid process and once the Medicaid kicks in, once your friend is approved, Medicaid back pays the nursing home from the time your friend enters to the approval of the Medicaid.

I may have this wrong, I went through this with my dad and it was so stressful that I may not be recalling this correctly but what I would do if I were you is pick a facility for your friend. Call them and schedule a tour. Then discuss the situation with their social worker and the social worker will help you navigate through everything.

Another dusty old memory is coming to me in which you will be given X amount of time in which to get your friend on Medicaid once he enters the facility. I think my memory is shot because of the stress I went through in trying to get my dad into a facility.

As for how to start the Medicaid process go to your local Medicaid office. Here in MO Medicaid for nursing homes is called "vendor Medicaid". It may be called something else where you are but it's still Medicaid for a nursing home. Go to the office and you'll be seen by a caseworker (it will probably be a long wait). When you sit down with a social worker at the facility you choose (s)he will probably give you a booklet on Medicaid and what items to bring with you when you apply on behalf of your friend.

When I went through the Medicaid process with my dad he was already in a facility having had a fall and he went from the hospital to the nursing home for rehab and Medicare was picking up the tab. When we all realized that he couldn't come home that's when the facility's social worker helped me figure out the whole Medicaid thing. I can't be certain the steps are the same if you're looking to place your friend in a facility from home. Medicare was paying for my dad while I was applying for Medicaid and at the end of Medicare's time limit I had to prove to the facility that I was in the process of obtaining Medicaid for my dad.

As for your original question, who do you call, I would call a nursing home and set up an appointment to tour the facility and speak with the social worker.


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