My brother is in a nursing home in Detroit and I don't know about his insurance. Any advice?
He has Leukemia and heart. I don't know about his meds he takes I would like to know if he can get better insurance and better treatment. I live in Cincinnati and I work p/t and can't get up there as much as I would like too.
1. AR, you can contact the admins of the forum here and ask them to delete the information on your brother's location. Even if it doesn't provide information on him specifically, it's not a good idea to provide even the specific location of the facility on any Internet forum.
2. You ask some questions, but we in turn ask as well in order to know what your specific concerns are. Has your brother executed any powers of attorney or HIPAA authorizations that would allow you to contact the facility and get the information you need, such as the meds he's taking?
3. Some background on how he was placed at this home would be helpful.
Does he have family in the area? Did he go to the home based on an oncologist's recommendation? Where was he living before? What stage is his leukemia? Is he in treatment with chemo or basically medication treatment only?
4. Has your brother executed a HIPAA authorization allowing you or someone else named in it to get information on his medical condition? As others have asked, does he have a Durable Power of Attorney for someone to handle his financial and legal affairs, and/or does he have a Living Will or Advanced Directive to handle medical decisions for him?
These would be necessary for someone to be aware of critical issues in managing his finances and medical care.
5. You asked about better insurance and better treatment. Could you elaborate on these, specifically:
a. What medical insurance does he have now? He's old enough for Medicare; does he have that? He may qualify for Medicaid, but you'd need to know what his financial situation is in order to apply for him. So the first step is to find out what he has, then investigate what else is available to get more appropriate coverage, if necessary.
b. Better treatment - what are your concerns, including why do you feel treatment now is inadequate? This likely would include knowing what stage his leukemia is, what the prognosis is, and what kind of treatment he's already had. This is where the HIPAA authorization would be necessary.
c. I checked out the location and was surprised that it's in what appears to be a pleasant neighborhood of lovely old Victorians on a well kept street. However, Google photos can be several years old so I don't know if that nice appearance still holds. If it does, the facility is an old one, but appears to be in a decent neighborhood, which makes a big difference. If it were on the West side of Grand Boulevard, I'd say make every effort to get him out of there, but this area appears to be quite nice.
6. It really would help to know more about his family support network in Detroit. There must be someone who's been helping him and helped him get in the facility. What does that person(s) have to say about the situation? Is he able to get regular visits from family?
7. You could also call the facility, introduce yourself and ask if he's provided any of the documents mentioned above that would allow you to get information. Even if you can't get information, just calling and letting the staff know he has a relative who's concerned will help. Sometimes people are all alone and staff doesn't really know what support exists.
8. I get the impression you thought this forum could help by intervening on your behalf to provide local support for your brother. It can't, legally, nor is that it's function. Posters here provide information so that relatives can find ways to help the individual themselves. There's no way any of us could get information on your brother's meds or his condition.
But if you can give us the information we've requested, that might help you find out what you requested.
How do I delete some of the information about my brother in Detroit, Michigan I'm sorry, but this is the first time that I have done this and don't quite know how is works.
It's not really personal. The number and address are for Luther Haven Nursing Center in Detroit. I'm sure they wouldn't want people calling from all over, though.
Ref. above post. Don't post his bio information, but whether he is disabled, on Medicare, Medicaid, is self pay in rest home, is competent, has a POA or has dementia, is on Hospice, etc.
I think the person who is the Power of Attorney and HealthCare POA, would be in charge of the finances and medical treatment. Many disabled persons and seniors are on Medicare. Some are on Medicaid, depending on their income and assets. There are rules about how insurance works when you have Medicare and/or Medicaid. Perhaps if you provided more detail about his situation, some posters here might provide more information.
I think you should delete your personal info from your post. That's asking for trouble on line.
Also, please be more specific about what kind of help you need. This is basically a chat forum where people ask questions And interact with each other. This is not a site that can provide hands on or financial assistance.
7 Answers
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2. You ask some questions, but we in turn ask as well in order to know what your specific concerns are. Has your brother executed any powers of attorney or HIPAA authorizations that would allow you to contact the facility and get the information you need, such as the meds he's taking?
3. Some background on how he was placed at this home would be helpful.
Does he have family in the area? Did he go to the home based on an oncologist's recommendation? Where was he living before? What stage is his leukemia? Is he in treatment with chemo or basically medication treatment only?
4. Has your brother executed a HIPAA authorization allowing you or someone else named in it to get information on his medical condition? As others have asked, does he have a Durable Power of Attorney for someone to handle his financial and legal affairs, and/or does he have a Living Will or Advanced Directive to handle medical decisions for him?
These would be necessary for someone to be aware of critical issues in managing his finances and medical care.
5. You asked about better insurance and better treatment. Could you elaborate on these, specifically:
a. What medical insurance does he have now? He's old enough for Medicare; does he have that? He may qualify for Medicaid, but you'd need to know what his financial situation is in order to apply for him. So the first step is to find out what he has, then investigate what else is available to get more appropriate coverage, if necessary.
b. Better treatment - what are your concerns, including why do you feel treatment now is inadequate? This likely would include knowing what stage his leukemia is, what the prognosis is, and what kind of treatment he's already had. This is where the HIPAA authorization would be necessary.
c. I checked out the location and was surprised that it's in what appears to be a pleasant neighborhood of lovely old Victorians on a well kept street. However, Google photos can be several years old so I don't know if that nice appearance still holds. If it does, the facility is an old one, but appears to be in a decent neighborhood, which makes a big difference. If it were on the West side of Grand Boulevard, I'd say make every effort to get him out of there, but this area appears to be quite nice.
6. It really would help to know more about his family support network in Detroit. There must be someone who's been helping him and helped him get in the facility. What does that person(s) have to say about the situation? Is he able to get regular visits from family?
7. You could also call the facility, introduce yourself and ask if he's provided any of the documents mentioned above that would allow you to get information. Even if you can't get information, just calling and letting the staff know he has a relative who's concerned will help. Sometimes people are all alone and staff doesn't really know what support exists.
8. I get the impression you thought this forum could help by intervening on your behalf to provide local support for your brother. It can't, legally, nor is that it's function. Posters here provide information so that relatives can find ways to help the individual themselves. There's no way any of us could get information on your brother's meds or his condition.
But if you can give us the information we've requested, that might help you find out what you requested.
In the mean time, it would help us if you could answer of the posting questions written by others, so we can help with advice.
Also, please be more specific about what kind of help you need. This is basically a chat forum where people ask questions And interact with each other. This is not a site that can provide hands on or financial assistance.