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rojo1215 Asked November 2015

Anyone seen a parent suddenly play charades?

Twice this weekend, for the first time we think, Mom has started miming things to try to communicate with me. It's as though she can't talk. When she finally started to talk the second time she said we weren't listening. We tried to tell her she wasn't talking - just moving her lips and making hand gestures. Has anyone seen this behavior?

rojo1215 Nov 2015
We're getting a test for normal pressure hydrocephalus Dec. 14th. Her neurologist will be there. In the meantime, I'll let the visiting nurse know and see if she wants to involve the other docs. Thanks

BarbBrooklyn Nov 2015
...or her neurologist. Maybe a TIA? Certainly a change in mental status.


pamstegma Nov 2015
Psychiatric evaluation is in order. Call your MD.


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