I am the sole caregiver in my boyfriends dad's house. I know Ohio pays you to care for the elderly. I know that you can get paid for taking care of the elderly. but in KY. How do you go about getting help? Boyfriend is disabled also. So he can't help much, and the other two brothers do nothing to help at all. Someone please help.??
6 Answers
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Your boyfriend's father would have to apply for Medicaid and qualify for one of the covered programs. I pulled up this info from page today.
CDO allows waiver eligible members to choose a provider for their non-medical waiver services, allowing them greater freedom of choice, flexibility, and control over their supports and services. Members can choose to direct all or some of their non-medical waiver services.
Who and How can I enroll in CDO? Who is Eligible to enroll?
Individuals currently receiving or individuals who might become eligible to receive waiver services from Medicaid's Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Waiver, Acquired Brain Injury Long Term Care (ABILTC) Waiver, Home and Community Based (HCB) Wavier, Michelle P. Waiver Services, Supports for Community Living (SCL) Waiver are eligible to participate in CDO for their non medical services.
If I am an HCB, SCL, ABI, ABILTC, or Michele P. Waiver member how can I consumer direct some services and keep other services with my current/traditional home health agency?
Keep things the way they are now (Continue to receive services through the traditional/non-CDO home health program)
Consumer direct all the non-medical waiver services
Use blended services (continue to receive some services through the traditional program and consumer direct others).
How can I enroll in CDO?
If you are interested in learning more about CDO or enrolling contact your support broker or case manager.
What is a Support Broker?
The local Area Agencies on Aging (AAA's) and Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC's) will act as Support Brokers for the CDO program. Once you choose CDO, you will no longer have a case manager through the traditional agency. The Support Broker will act as your case manager. The Support Broker will assist you with:enrolling in CDO, developing your plan of care and support spending plan, locating service providers and negotiating rates, supporting you in hiring, supervising and firing your employees, coordinating with traditional providers, transitioning back to traditional services if you choose to discontinue CDO services
Employment Budget Information
Will I be given a budget?
Yes. You will be given a budget amount based on past service utilization.The budget amount will be determined by DMS. The budget will be used by the member to negotiate rates with employees and complete the support spending plan.
Are there goods and services I can get with my budget?
You can use some of your budget to buy goods and services to help you increase your independence or reduce your need for personal care.
What if I need help directing my services?
You can choose a qualified friend or family member to be your representative. Your representative cannot charge for the help provided and will not be a paid employee.
Who can I hire as my employee?
You can hire some family, friends, neighbors and provider agencies. The employee must be at least 18 years old and submit to a criminal background check. The Support Broker will assist the member with hiring and training employees.
How will my employees be paid?
The Area Development Districts (ADD's) and Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC's) will be the Financial Management Agency for CDO in Kentucky. The member will keep track of all the services done by their employee(s). A timesheet will be submitted to the Support Broker showing what services were performed. The Financial Management Agency will pay the member's employee(s) for providing these CDO services. The Financial Management Agency will make sure all state and federal laws are met such as withholding enough money to pay for taxes and other items.
What training is required?
Members, representatives, and employees must complete training on person centered planning and self-determination. Training will be available on abuse/neglect/exploitation prevention, recognition and reporting. The member can also require additional training related to their specific needs.
What are my responsibilities if I choose CDO?
The member has a responsibility to:work with the Support Broker to develop of Plan of Care/Support Spending Plan and an emergency back-up plan, hire, train, schedule and fire staff, follow the Plan of Care/Support Spending Plan and keep within their budget, choose a representative if needed or desired, submit paperwork on time
What if I decided I don't want to be in CDO anymore?
The Support Broker will work with the member to transition back to traditional services.
Since you have internet, application link is on this page.
I'm a little confused. Your profile says you are caring for your disabled boyfriend's 85 year old father who has dementia and that you are caring for a 52 year old woman who has Alzheimers.
There may be resources, benefits, funds for seniors and disabled people, but I'm not aware of funds available to their caretakers. Maybe if others know of anything they will respond here. Your local social services agency or counsel on aging, may be able to direct you to the right agencies.