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doctorkimmy Asked January 2016

Where to find free/affordable adult day care services for my mother-in-law (89)?

Looking for free or affordable adult day care services for my 89 year old mother in law in Bowie MD. She has some dementia, hearing loss, and difficulty walking. I would like to know what is available in the Bowie, MD area.

Margot49 Jan 2016
The County often has resources

Llamalover47 Jan 2016
Correction: Golden Age Medical Adult Day Care in Bowie is just one of 6 in the Bowie area....just Google it.


Llamalover47 Jan 2016
Golden Age Adult Medical Day Care in Bowie

ShayLH Jan 2016
I myself at age of 73 am already concerned on where I might go when I can no longer care for myself. I have searched the internet for places close to my daughters so it will not be hard for her to visit. A person that does not get company does not get the care that people that have visitors.. I will first take in the smell of the home when I walk in the door and ask permission to look around and hopefully be there when they are feeding the residents. I believe Admissions are the one you want to talk to as far a cost and how they can help you. I hope some of this is helpful?

gladimhere Jan 2016
Call the Area Agency on Aging in your area. They are a wealth of information to aasist in identifying resourses for services at either reduced cost or free. It depends on MIL's income and assets. Or if she is on Medicaid contact her case worker that can also be of assistance.


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