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anonymous275053 Asked January 2016

Has anyone had the experience of bringing your mom or dad for respite care to find they want to return home the next day?

As My Mother's only Caregiver since 2013, I was really looking forward to Mom availing of RESTBITE CARE for Her first time. Mother suffers from Alzheimer's and in fairness She's as good as gold, but I really kneeded this break and I had been looking forward to it for ages. I dropped Mom off at Our local Community Hospital at 2pm on Tuesday January 6 last. I could not get over the Hospital, it is beautiful. All of the beds are air beds and can be adjusted to ones liking. The place was spotless, and the Staff are really lovely, really helpful. I came away thinking Mother won't wish to come home any more, alas at 11am the next morning I received a phone call from the Matron to say that Mother was very good but had become a little disorientated and asked to go home. I said to the Nurse that I should be at the Hospital in twenty minutes. Of course I was disappointed and sorry that Mom was not able to settle in, but I began thinking to Myself that it's really not about Me or how I feel, it is My Mother Who's important here and how She feels. When I arrived at the Hospital the first thing I said to Mom was, good Morning Mother I'm so delighted to be bringing You home with Me as its not home without You. Mother smiled broadly and said to the two Nurse's gosh isn't that a lovely greeting to get. After lunch Mom went to bed and slept like a new born Baby. Home is the Sailor home from the sea, and the Hunter is home from the hills.

anonymous275053 Jan 2016
assandache7 and pamstegma..I'm sorry I neglected to say the Community Hospital in Our Town is NOT an Alzheimer's facility, It is a Hospital for the Elder's Who come from Our Town and surrounding area. The Community Hospital really pushed the boat out to obliged Me in accepting Mom for RESTBITE CARE, and I am very thankful to the Hospital for giving Us the benefit of the doubt. How ever the Hospital is due to start building a large extension and when it will be completed Alzheimer's Patient's will be hospitalised at the Hospital then. Rest assured I will have Mother booked in well in advance.

pamstegma Jan 2016
Old people and little kids always want to go home. The staff can handle it and you should tell them "She's on Respite and so am I. Please handle it."


assandache7 Jan 2016
I'm confused.. Isn't this a respite facility? Why would they call you and tell you she wanted to come home? The point is that you pay them so you can get a break...

Did you make arrangements ahead of time for a specified amount of time?

Find a more qualified place and tell them not to call you unless (you know what)!

cwillie Jan 2016
Johnjoe, it's a little bit like dropping your kids off a summer camp. Of course she wanted to come home, everything was unfamiliar to her. It takes time to settle in and find your place in a new setting, and with the relatively short duration of respite care she may never settle completely, but she may also meet some interesting people and do some new things and have something exciting to talk about for weeks. You know she will be well cared for regardless, next time entrust her to the staff and take your break, as much as you love her I'm sure you need it!


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