I've found laws differ for each state in which we live in. Mother has multiple health conditions under currently under HH and Father consumes alcohol everyday and falls at times. I work full time, have 2 sisters that do not and need advise for hiring a sitter to fill my shoes during the day to prepare meals do light house work and have no idea where to find a person to hire and what the cost would be.
4 Answers
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My Dad uses a nationwide Agency, and in my area they charge $28 per hour [the same Agency could charge less in your location]. If you prefer to hire not using an Agency, then your parents would need to contact their homeowner's insurance carrier about getting "workman's comp" insurance, in case the worker becomes injured while on the job.
Another method is just start searching online for home health care companies in your specific area of Virginia.
From what I've read, hourly rates can range from $18 to $25 for one person, or $35 for two caregivers.
The local Area Agency on Aging might also be able to give you a list of agencies, but I don't believe they can make recommendations that might favor one agency over another.