Mom is 92 with moderate Alzheimer's (we think) - but def dementia (vascular).
She cannot make good decisions for herself anymore.
She brushes her teeth with hand lotion if we are not watching her... so...
She has a DNR in place, and I am her POA.
She (or I) have been advised to take her to a kidney specialist, as her kidney levels came back a little high which means they are working too hard.
Mom says she feels fine and doesn't want to go.
Again, she IS 92, and with moderate dementia, the future ain't looking too bright anyway... but should I try to trick her into see the specialist (i.e. get her in the car and "stop in" to see him?) I feel like I'm in a Catch-22.
27 Answers
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Mom: "No. I've lived a good long life. I'm going to die of something. If it is cancer, so be it. But I won't take treatment, so there is no point of doing the test."
Doc: "I understand. Many people your age feel that way. I will respect your decision, but I am obligated to tell you that if you do have cancer there are treatments for it, and the treatments have improved in recent years."
Mom: "But I will not have treatment. If I have cancer I don't want to know."
Doc: "Jeanne, how do you feel about that?"
Me: "I think it is Mother's decision. I will support her either way."
Doc: "I will accept this decision and record it in my notes. If you get to thinking about it some more and change your mind just call the clinic and I will arrange more tests."
Babalou, I guess in this case it was the patient telling the doctor, "I won't do the treatment, so don't do the tests."
Nikki, as others have said, look into what the options would be if she does have the tests and something is found. What would the treatments be like? Would they be advised for someone in her 90s with dementia? Would your mother be likely to cooperate with them?
Don't do the tests if she won't do the treatments.
I think your GP could give you a little guidance here, ie what would the treatment options be that a specialist might recommend? If we are talking about some tweaking of meds is it something that the GP could handle? If we are talking about possible dialysis would mom even be willing to consider it?
I believe there is no point putting you mom or yourself through the hassle of travelling to probably multiple appointments if you would probably not go forward with the treatments offered, but that is a judgment call you need a little more info to make.
I'm sure this is a conundrum for many. How much do you do for someone who is really unable to decide what kind of care they want? If it's the start if kidney failure, I know in Mother's DNR, she does not want interventional care for that. Go read your mother's DNR and see what she chose. It may make your decision for you.
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