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Lesanne Asked January 2016

How long has it been between your loved one's first noticeable symptoms of Vascular Dementia and their current state?

I'm trying to get a handle on how fast my MIL's Vascular Dementia is progressing, what the next symptoms may be and when they might start. I know that everyone is different but it may help to know the timeline of events that others have experienced.

14 Months Ago - First noticeable symptoms - forgetfulness and repeating,

9 months ago - Step Down - She had some sort of insulin or medication overdose which resulted in a massive seizure . After that she could no longer drive, was having trouble remembering her medications, and could no longer handle her finances. She has quickly progressed to her current state.

Current symptoms...
1. Absolutely NO short term memory (information is gone is about 10-20 min.)
2. Difficulty operating household items (TV remote, Phone, Vacuum, etc...)
3. Has almost no ability to follow directions or figure out a problem
4. Visual depth perception (which caused a fall two weeks ago).
5. Declining dexterity and coordination and moving slower
6. Emotionally, she is depressed, often angry, and anxious.
7. She seems to be losing empathy or concern for others.
8. Slight decrease in personal hygiene
9. Confusing dates and length of time since events. (Examples: She thinks a picture of er grandchildren was taken in 1994 when it was really 2013. She says my FIL has been deceased for 4 years when it's only been 2-1/2)
10. Making up things when she can't find the correct answer and fabricating stories.
11. Needs complete supervision with insulin injections, medications, doctors appointments, grocery shopping, etc...
12. Still able to stand, walk, cook simple meals, eat, bathe, toilet, and dress completely on her own.

Please share with me your loved one's first noticeable symptoms of Vascular Dementia, their current state and the time frame.

Nikki999 Jan 2016
Also, depression and agitation/anger are very, very common with dementia, and there are good meds out there that help. It's finding a geriatric doctor that will work with dementia to take the time (often trial and error) that will make the difference for you, your peace of mind, and the serenity of your loved one. My mom also has no more short-term memory. GONE!!! bye-bye.... !!! I can take her out shopping or to eat - for like 3 hours, and 1/2 hour after we get home she will ask "Aren't we going out today? We haven't been out today..." so, there you go...

Nikki999 Jan 2016
Well, I noticed nothing when she moved by me in June of 2010. Dad had died in Aug 2009 and less than a year later, she left her home state to move to FL right next to me. It was good at first, but within a year I noticed problems writing checks, and mostly hoarding... buying LOTS of stuff to the point where the house was packed and cramped with home decor and flowers. It was nice stuff, but it was TOO much, and she wouldn't stop buying! Then, I noticed she was putting her freezer food in the fridge... like she didn't understand "keep frozen" - things like Stouffer's frozen dinners, etc. even popsicles, if I remember right. So, in Nov 2011 I took her to see the doctor, and they said Vascular Dementia. Now, over 4+ years, she has declined, although she was 87 when diagnosed, and Namenda did seem to keep things at bay; that is, however, until she fell and broke her hip and had surgery. At that point she had delusions in the hospital. She recovered quite a bit - physically she did great even after the 2nd fall on the pelvis 6 months later, but she couldn't live alone anymore. To see her out in the store, you would not know she was anything but a pretty elderly lady. What people don't know is that she brushes her teeth with hand lotion and puts clothing on over her nightgown sometimes... But at 92, God bless her. She is still social in public, and nowadays has problems finding words (stumbling on made-up words, etc) but overall she is probably now in a Stage 5-6. I personally think Alzheimer's is another culprit but without an MRI to see the brain I won't know, and honestly I don't know that it matters for mom. I love her and am keeping her home with a caregiver which is 1/3 of the cost of memory care or assisted living. I hope this helped.


Rainmom Jan 2016
In reading your MILs progression and symptoms I notice some similarities but also some big differences. First off I have to say my mom was both mentally and physically very active - more so than your average senior, I'm betting. Mom skied, biked and hiked well into her seventies. Mom took painting classes, participated in book clubs, was an anti war activist and became a Grand Master bridge player - quite an accomplishment I'm told - into her early 80's. On the flip side mom began abusing oxycodone - purposely at around 80. I don't know how "typical" moms progression is. However - driving issues were probably first, wacked the passenger side mirror off her car at least six times and a couple accidents between age 80 - 85 but I suspect the oxycodone was as much to blame as the dementia. Short term memory diminished slowly as first starting starting at about 83 picked up in speed around 85 and is nearly gone at 88. Personal hygiene started to go at 84 and was gone by 87. The ability to do simple math was gone at about 87 along with basic reasoning. Hardcore anger and mood swings showed up at 87 but now at 89 next month, mom has become quite docile - this just started shortly after this past christmas and I think it's a combination medication and diminished mental capacity. There were a lot of other things from about age 83 until now but these are the markers that stick out in my mind. I'm not sure your going to find a clear pattern or path but I wish you well in your endeavor.

pamstegma Jan 2016
Well, MIL died at age 88
At 75, she drove for a quarter mile with her foot on the gas, thinking she had it on the brake.
At 85, she messed up her meds, took too much Coumadin and suffered a brain bleed. We took the car away at that point. She was very angry, needed lorazepam and alprazolam to stay calm.
At 86 we moved her to assisted living after she dam near blew up the house.
In fifteen months there, she was carted off to the ER 8 times for fall injuries.
At 88 she failed rehab and had to stay in skilled nursing. She signed a MOLST for no further treatments of any kind.


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