I know many of us have been there. Yesterday I was talking with the hospice nurses as she was being admitted to hospice service.
Mom saw me in the room, rattled the knob and kicked the door before we could open it. She has a bruise on her face from a fall last week. When the hospice nurse asked her how she got that bruise she looked straight at me with an angry face and said "My daughter beats me up." She was perfectly serious and believable, probably would have passed a lie detector test.
All the times she hit me as I was growing up, I have never laid a hand on her; I would not dream of it. Her comment really stung me.
So my question is, what do you say to yourself to heal up from these cuts?
44 Answers
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I went through the "she's taking my things" routine that many of us do, simply because my mother couldn't remember where she put things or what she wanted the day before. That hurt horribly, so I do understand how painful these accusations can be. But when the accusations are about physical abuse and you can't prove otherwise, you could be on dangerous ground.
Please keep us updated when you can. We want to know that you are all right.
It still hurts though.
I agree with those who have told you to place her in a home. Also excellent advice I received from a counselor was to NEVER let her live with me, because I would be trapped and at her mercy, just like when I was a child and she would say mean and hateful things. I always remembered that, and thank God I did. As you can see, we have quite a history.
As her dementia seems to be getting worse, she changes the facts of stories. One of which is she tells everyone she's had a stroke, but brain scans say otherwise. Whether this is to elicit pity, or to try to explain to herself why she cannot do certain things any more, I have no idea. I just bite my tongue and let her fabricate whatever she wants, as disagreeing with her evokes rage.
Kind of in a bad place myself so my patience is low. My ability to cope is limited by my own situation....don't do well if I am tired, dealing with other issues, or feeling ill. Just have a cold, but feel crabby and irritable, so I will stay home for a few days until I'm in a place where I can cope.
The wish for our parents love and approval never seems to leave....at least for me. So when they call you names, or run you down, or try to embarrass you in front of others, it can hurt. Yes, for some it's the disease, it's the disease. But if you have lived with a disapproving and mean parent all your life, you may have to learn you don't NEED their approval or love. I've had to come to terms with it. I still wish I had it, but have accepted it will never come. God loves me, my kids love me, and mother doesn't love me because she doesn't love herself. Just the way it is.
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