my controlling 88 yr old mom has informed my dad who is 86 that after 4 pm he is not allowed water.. I video taped her yelling at him he does have some incontinence at night but changes his undies and they get washed every other day......he has not wet the bed.. dealing with both of them with dementia.....assisted living sounds better every day for him.....
32 Answers
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I think he'd do better in a good assisted living facility. She may, as well. They don't have to be together. Then maybe they'd enjoy meals together or other times to connect.
You're smart to be thinking of options, anyway. This doesn't sound like a good arrangement (water in the evening aside).
Take care,
for - Rainman is completely non-verbal. Bed time for him is between 8:00 - 9:00pm. I know this is early but this is when he asks to go to bed. Anyhow - if Rainman asks for something to drink after dinner/ before bed - of course I give it to him. No one should be denied something to drink - ever! However, he rarely asks and this routine has significantly cut down on the bed wetting. Of note - I have been putting off a hysterectomy for over two years - for a prolapsed cervix. It's gotten to the point where my ability to fully empty my bladder is a problem (never thought I'd share this tidbit of personal info with hundreds of strangers - sorry for TMI!). Anyhow, my ob/gyn surgeon suggested I stop drinking anything at 1:00pm to help me sleep without having to get up and pee so often. Really! 1:00pm! Needless to say - I cut back and apply Rainmans rule regarding last liquids at dinner but not 1:00pm. BTW - in the spirit of TMI - I alway try to find a silver lining. I'm currently being treated for the worst UTI of my life. The bright side? I'm not acting like a hallucinating lunatic - so I'm taking that as an indicator that old age hasn't really started to kick my butt yet. Yeah!
In any case, both of your parents need support, whether to remain living in their own home or in a new environment. Find out what services and resources are on offer in your area and take it from there, because this is not going to improve on its own.
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