Hi, my sister requires Lev4 care at home. She is receiving L1 care only (providers have no budget). My sister has a terminal illness associated with Parkinson disease and wants to stay home in Mandurah as long as possible before moving to a residential care place. She is on a waiting list with 4 providers for level 4 services but no package can be provided as there is no budget available. My sister is classified as high priority by the providers but they are unable to help. At present she receives help with showering only (Level 1) - her husband is left to do whatever else is required. Due to the immediate need for help her husband is considering paying for whatever additional service he can afford until a funded package becomes available. Please advise whether there is any remedy to this problem and if he would be able to apply the cost against the maximum lifetime cap of $61754 required under means testing.
Thank you
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