I'm DESPERATE to help my mother quit smoking! I fully realize that one cannot MAKE another quit smoking, but I want to provide any and all help and support I can! I need to find a SUCCESSFUL quit-smoking program for my 91 year young mother who is still VERY active! She won't go out to attend activities because of her need to smoke, and I want her to be engaged and active with others her age who are like-minded and intellectually involved in life. My mother works on her computer DAILY, and is very attuned to world events. But I don't want her to be alone so often, and although I am at her house daily, I'd like to see her interact with others as well. She already has significant emphysema and COPD, and of course, my greatest fear is that she will develop even more serious disease, such as lung cancer. Can anyone recommend a quit-smoking program that is proven to be effective? I'd REALLY appreciate the help!
13 Answers
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Your goals are excellent. "I want her to be engaged and active with others her age who are like-minded and intellectually involved in life." The health goal is probably too late -- what damage is done is done. But the goal to avoid isolation is wonderful ... if it is her goal. Setting goals for other people seldom works, and when the other person is 91 and addicted, if she is not committed to the goal I don't see much hope.
Go ahead and try to help Mom quite smoking, especially if she wants to. But also accept your limitations here. You didn't get Mom to stop smoking when she was 57 or when she was 73 and it isn't any easier now that she is 91. This is really not under your control. Try to help. Fine. But please don't feel "desperate" and certainly not "guilty" if you are not successful.
Many people face your problem. Do keep us informed as to how this works out. We learn from each other.
if i live to 91 i hope to make cigars out of physlocybin ( sp ) mushrooms , shredded tires and styrofoam peanuts -- and chain smoke them .
on a more serious note . a widow whom i just met is all flabergasted that her alcoholic , chain smoking hubby died at the age of 75 . freaking DUH !! . first of all he drove a truck for a ( good ) living , and needed the stimulation of tobacco to keep it on the road .
secondly , after getting to know this gal for a few weeks , im convinced that he died because he WANTED to .
yea , shes THAT type . " oh jeBus -- money, jeBus , inheritance , etc ..
Symptoms of nicotine withdrawal include:Feeling irritable and craving cigarettes Getting hungry easily
Not sleeping well
Headaches, sweats and nausea
Feeling depressed or anxious.
This is really sad, probably nothing will make her stop smoking. Have you tried viper E-cig with the liquid, they have different amount of nicotine like 3,6,12mg.
I can say people like to smoke and having this habit cause the nicotine not other chemicals but in the real cigarette there are approximately 600 ingredients in cigarettes. When burned, they create more than 7,000 chemicals. At least 69 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many are poisonous. Try get e-cig with the liquid and before you buy, check the nicotine % your mother smoke.
I am not a proponent of those electronic cigarettes...studies have shown that the chemicals in them are even worse than real cigarettes!! No need to replace one chemical with another.
Nicotine is so addictive and is one of the hardest things to put down. Have you tried nicotine replacement therapy with her? Many people do well with the lozenges. She can use them to take the edge off weaning from the nicotine. Recent research has also shown that staying on them longer if needed isn't a problem and better than smoking.
Many places now are not allowing electronic cigarettes. Why, I don't know. I know they're banned in many public places. If your mother's mind is sound, though, the lozenges may work.