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leonaurschel Asked February 2016

If remarried but then divorced again, can 1st husband's SS be used?

One can collect social security of an ex of 10+yrs, if not remarried. If remarried but then divorced again, can 1st husband's SS be used? A 66 year has started collecting social security and was told that since there was a marriage which lasted over 10 years and if she hasn't remarried she could apply for the first husband's social security.
However there is a second marriage which has a legal separation, but no divorce, Would completion of that divorce qualify her then for the social security of the first husband?



pamstegma Feb 2016
Generally, if a divorced spouse remarries, he or she loses the right to collect on a living ex-spouse unless that subsequent marriage ends in death, divorce or annulment. But there is an exception to the remarriage rule when it comes to a deceased ex-spouse. If you wait until at least age 60 to remarry, then you retain the right to collect benefits as a surviving ex-spouse.


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