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57twin Asked February 2016

Dad is forgetting that he has urinated. Advice?

Dad lives in assisted living with moderate dementia. If I take him out for lunch and errands he tells me that he has to pee. We can be gone 3-4 hours and he will go to the bathroom about once an hour. I do not follow him into the bathroom to hear if he actually pees or not. He does not complain of any UTI symptoms. He is 86 and I do not think he drinks a lot of fluids unless prompted.

anonymous281963 Feb 2016
Uti, or pressure on the bladder by prostate?
In the elderly, UTI does not have the same symptoms such as fever anymore. However, frequent urination is a symptom of UTI.
Have him seen, and fast. Don't let this go.

cwillie Feb 2016
Here's an aging care article:
My first thought was about prostate issues?


pamstegma Feb 2016
Frequent urination is a UTI symptom. Don't ignore it.

Rainmom Feb 2016
The poor guy is probably afraid on having an accident while out in public. Let him go as often as he feels necessary - for his own peace of mind and sense of dignity.


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