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chapala Asked February 2016

I am a Vet (88) and need financial help for dentures. Advice?

I am a vet of two wars ll and Korean War need financial help for perm dentures approx. $4000

pamstegma Feb 2016
Did you call the Bradford PA Regional Medical Center for advice? They may be able to help you.

kathyt1 Feb 2016
Every congressman has an aide who handles veterans concerns. Write a letter to each of your state's senators and your representative in the House. It is better if you can go in person to their offices. Google or get a kid to google your congressmen' addresses. Next contact your county council on aging. It's called something different in each state, but it's job is to help you obtain all the help you need. Again google, in my case bucks county pa website. Then click on aging or seniors. Make an appointment. Maybe you qualify for rent assistance or food stamps that would free up money for the dentures. Check dental schools in your area. They often offer free dentistry. Universal dental offers $900.00 dentures. Shop around you can get that cheaper. Try the VFW or AFl maybe they can get you deals. Good luck, thank you for giving me my freedom.


GardenArtist Feb 2016
Have you applied to the VA for medical assistance? If not, that's the first step. I don't know whether they do fund dentures but if you need assistance, the VA would be more likely to help you.

You might also find some help in this list of others who've posted questions on how to get dental assistance:


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